SSC 1 - Sarva Shakti Shanti (Supreme Strength and Peace)
Please do use the SSC 70 Sai Sanjeevini Tonic Combination as the Background remedy for all the problems listed below:
SSC 59 Lust (intense desire for sexuality, money, power, food)
SSC 59 Anger, SSC 59 Greed
SSC 59 Ego (Ahamkara) SSC 59 Resentment, SSC 59 Fears,
SSC 59 Anxiety, SSC 59 Depression,
For Envy, please use : SSC 59 + DS 214 Envy Sanjeevini
For Scandal Mongering, please use SSC 59 + DS237 Scandal Mongering Sanjeevini
For Entities, please use SSC 59 + DS 166 Entities Sanjeevini
For Hyperactivity, please use SSC 59 + DS 170 Hyperactivity Sanjeevini
For Indecisiveness, please use SSC 59 + DS 171 Indecisiveness Sanjeevini
For Phobias, please use SSC 59 + DS 176 Phobias Sanjeevini
For Schizophrenia, please use SSC 59 + DS 180 Schizophrenia Sanjeevini
For Sleep disorders, please use SSC 59 + DS 144 Sleep Sanjeevini
For Stress, please use SSC 59 + DS 167 Examination Stress Sanjeevini
For Violence, please use SSC 59 + DS 145 Ahimsa (Non- violence) Sanjeevini
SSC 2 - Allergies (All) |
SSC 2 (a) Hay fever, SSC 2(b) Urticaria (Hives or pithi),
SSC 2(c) Allergic Asthma.
SSC 3 - Anaemia
All types |
SSC 4 - Back Problems
SSC 4(a) Spondylitis, SSC 4(b) Slipped Disc, SSC 4(c) Sciatica,
SSC 4(d) Lumbago (low back pain), SSC 4 (e) Frozen Shoulder.
SSC 5 - Bedwetting
SSC 6 - Bleeding or Haemmorhage
SSC 6 (a) Nosebleed, SSC 6 (b) Uterine Bleeding,
SSC 6 (c) Prostate Bleeding, SSC 6 (d) Cut or Bleeding Wound |
SSC 7 - Bites and Stings
SSC 8 - Blood Pressure (high)
SSC 9 - Blood Pressure (low)
SSC 10 - Brain Power
SSC 10 (a) Mental Retardation, SSC 10 (b) Physical Retardation,
SSC 10 (c) Autism, SSC 10 (d) Downes Syndrome,
SSC 10 (e) Epilepsy, SSC 10 (f) Parkinsons Disease,
SSC 10 (g) Multiple Sclerosis, SSC 10 (h) Better Memory,
SSC 10 (i) Dementia, SSC 10 (j) Examination Stress, SSC 10 (k) Coma
SSC 11 - Burns
SSC 12 - Cleansing & Kidney
SS C12 (a) Urinary Tract Infection, SSC 12 (b) Kidney Failure(Renal Failure), SSC 12 (c)Kidney Stones (or stones anywhere in the urinary tract).
SSC 13 - Cold & Sinus problems
SSC 14 - Constipation problems
SSC 14 (a) Piles (Haemerrhoids)
SSC 15 - Diabetes
SSC 15 (a) Diabetes Mellitus, SSC 15 (b) Juvenile Diabetes
SSC 16 - Digestion problems
SSC 16 (a) Flatulence (Gas), SSC 16 (b) Acidity, SSC 16 (c) Indigestion,
SSC 16 (d) Colic, SSC 16(e ) Hiccups, SSC 16 (f) Diarrhoea and Dysentry,
SSC 16 (g) Ulcer, SSC 16 (h) Worms & Parasites, SSC 16 (i) Cholera,
SSC 16 (j) Colitis, SSC 16 (k) Crohn's Disease/ Celiac Disease,
SSC 16 (l) Poisoning. SSC 16 (m) Prolapsed Colon
SSC 17 - Ear problems
SSC 17 (a) Deafness, SSC 17 (b) Tinnitus, SSC 17 (c) Meniere's Disease
SSC 17 (d) Vertigo and giddiness, SSC 17 (e) Pus in the ear.
SSC 18 - Emergencies
SSC 19 - Eye
SSC 19 (a) Conjunctivitis, SSC 19 (b) Vision, SSC 19 (c) Astigmatism,
SSC 19 (d) Night blindness, SSC 19 (e) Cataract, SSC 19 (f) Glaucoma,
SSC 19 (g) Styes, SSC 19 (h) Blindess (due to injuries), SSC 19 (i) Squint Eye,
SSC 19 (j) Tearing Eyes and Dry Eyes.
SSC 20 - Female problems
SSC 20 (a) Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge), SSC 20 (b) Puberty (girls), SSC 20 (c) Menopause,
SSC 20 (d) Menstrual Disorders, SSC 20 (e) Pregnancy, SSC 20 (f) Childbirth,
SSC 20 (g) Threatened Miscarriage, SSC 20 (h) Fibroids, Tumours, Cysts and Growths,
SSC 20 (i) Prolapsed Uterus, SSC 20 (j) Infertility, SSC 22 (i) Breast Cancer |
SSC 21- Fevers & Flu (all types)
SSC 21 (a) Malaria, SSC 21 (b) Typhoid, SSC 21 (c) Chicken pox,
SSC 21 (d) Measles, SSC 21 (e) Mumps, SSC 21 (f) Tonsilitis,
SSC 21 (g) Diphtheria, SSC 21 (h) Filaria, SSC 21 (i) Dengue,
SSC 21 (j) Meningitis, SSC 21 (k) Yellow Fever, Swine Flu. |
SSC 22- Glands Including Cancer& AIDS
SSC 22 (a) AIDS, SSC 22 (b) Cancers (all), SSC 22 (c)Tumours.
SSC 20 (d) Leukemia, SSC 22 (e) Adenoids, SSC 22 (f) Lymphoma,
SSC 22 (g) Lumps in the arm-pit, Lumps in the groin, SSC 22 (h) Bubonic Plague,
SSC 22 (i) Breast Cancer, SSC 22 (j) Prostate Cancer Same as in SSC 29 (e)
SSC 22 (k) Colon Cancer SSC 22 (l) Lung Cancer
SSC 23 - Hair problems
SSC 23 (a) Lice, SSC 23 (b) Dandruff. |
SSC 24 - Headache problems
Migraine |
SSC 25 - Heart
SSC 25 (a) Angina, SSC 25 (b) Arteriosclerosis, (and Atheroscclerosis)
SSC 25 (c) Palpitations, SSC 25 (d) Hole in the heart. |
SSC 26 - Injuries
SSC 27 - Liver problems
SSC 27 (a) Jaundice (including all types of hepatitis), SSC 27 (b) Gall Stones, SSC 27 (c) Cirrhosis of the Liver. |
SSC 28 - Lung & Chest
SSC 28 (a) Bronchitis, SSC 28 (b) Cough (wet), SSC 28 (c) Cough (dry)
SSC 28 (d) Pneumonia, SSC 28 (e) Tuberculosis,
SSC 28 (f) Primary Complex (Beginning of Tuberculosis), SSC 28 (g) Asthma,
SSC 28 (h) Pneumonic plague, SSC 28 (i) Oxygenation. |
SSC 29 - Male problems
SSC 29 (a) Puberty, SSC 29 (b) Hydrocele, SSC 29 (c) Infertility,
SSC 29(d) Prostate problems, SSC 29 (e) Prostate Cancer Same as in SSC 22 (j) |
SSC 30 - Paralysis
SSC 30 (a) Cerebral palsy, SSC 30 (b) Polio. |
SSC 31 - Pus & Drawing |
SSC 31 (a) Boils and Abscesses, SSC 31 (b) Fissures, SSC 31 (c) Fistula. |
SSC 32 - Rheumatism, Arthirtis and Gout |
SSC 33 - Skin problems |
SSC 33 (a) Psoriasis, SSC 33 (b) Eczema,
SSC 33(c) Fungal infection (including ringworm , Dhobi's itch, Barber's rash),
SSC 33 (d) Urticaria (Pitthi/ Hives), (please see SSC 2 ( b) under Allergies)
SSC 33 (e) Warts, SSC 33 (f) Leucoderma (Vitiligo - white pigmentation on skin)
SSC 33 (g) Herpes Zoaster (Shingles), SSC 33 (h) Herpes Simplex,
SSC 33 (i) Scabies. |
SSC 34 - Sunstroke |
SSC 34 (a) Protection & Healing of Sunstroke |
SSC 35 - Teeth & Gums |
SSC 35 (a) Caries, SSC 35 (b) Teething in babies, SSC 35 (c) Pyorrhoea and Bleeding gums. |
SSC 36 - Thyroid problems |
SSC 36 (a) Simple Goitre, SSC 36 (b) Hyperthyroidism, SSC 36 (c) Hypothyroidism. |
SSC 37 - Tonsilitis & Other Throat problems |
SSC 37 (a) Dry cough, SSC 37 (b) Tonsils with Pus. |
SSC 38 - Ulcers |
SSC 38 (a) Ulcers in the Mouth SSC 38 (b) Ulcers in the Digestive Tract
SSC 39 - Vomitting |
SSC 39 (a) Vomiting from Food Poisoning or Gastroenteritis
SSC 39 (b) Vomiting due to Liver Disorder |
SSC 40 - Addictions |
SSC 40 (a) Alcohol related, SSC 40 (b) Caffeine related, SSC 40 (c) Nicotine related,
SSC 40 (d)Drug related, SSC 40 (e) Computer related, SSC 40 (f) Phone chats related, SSC 40 (g) T.V. Related, SSC 40 (h) Pornogrophy related |
SSC 41 - Anorexia (loss of appetite) |
SSC 42 - Appendicitis |
SSC 43 - Gonorrhoea |
SSC 44 - Hernia |
SSC 45 - Incontinence |
SSC 45 (a) Urinary incontinence, SSC 45 (b) Sexual incontinence, SSC 45 (c) Incontinence of desires (uncontrollable desire for any thing). |
SSC 46 - Leprosy |
SSC 47 - Marasmus |
SSC 48 - Muscular Dystrophy |
SSC 49 - Obesity (being overweight) |
SSC 50 - Polyps |
SSC 51 - Septicaemia |
SSC 52 - Syphillis |
SSC 53 - Water Retention |
SSC 54 - Whooping Cough |
SSC 55 - Vaccine Antidote |
SSC 56 - Bone Disorders |
SSC 56(a) Bone Injuries, SSC 56 (b) Osteoporosis, SSC 56 (c) Fluorosis, SSC 56 (d) Bunions, Growths, Spurs. |
SSC 57 - Soil Rejuvenation |
SSC 58 - Animals & Birds |
Ticks & Fleas, Canine Distemper, Mange, PFBD (Beak and Feather disease). |
SSC 59 - Removal of & Protection Negative Emotions |
Lust(kama), Anger ( krodha), Greed(lobha), Ego (ahamkara), Resentment, Fear, Anxiety, Depression, Envy, Scandal-mongering (talking ill of others) |
SSC 60 – Awakening & Nourishment of Divine Values |
Sathya, (Truth), Dharma(Right Conduct), Shanthi(Peace), Prema(Love), Ahimsa(Non-violence), Forgiveness, Honesty, Gratitude, Humility, Compassion(Karuna),Smile of inner joy, Auspiciouness |
SSC 61 Sanjeevini Combination for Healing and Protection of all Beings Affected in Calamities
(Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Forest Fires…)
Please see important details under SSC 61 in Chapter 4 on Selected Sanjeevini Combinations. |
SSC 62 Drought Relief |
Please see important details under SSC 62 in Chapter 4 on Selected Sanjeevini Combinations. |
SSC 63- Sanjeevini Combinations for safe release of Victims of Kidnapping or Hijacking |
SSC 64 Peace and Harmony between Nations at War |
SSC 65 Sanjeevini Combination for Healing and Protection during Epidemics |
SSC 66 Sanjeevini Combination for Social Upliftment of Underprivileged People |
SSC 67 Sanjeevini Combination for Environmental Pollution |
SSC 68 Sanjeevini Combination for Dedicated Efforts and Auspicious Results In Examinations |
SSC 69 Sanjeevini Combination for Peace and Tranquility of Departed Souls |
SSC 69 (a) Solace & Healing for People grieving the death of a loved One
SSC 70 Sai Sanjeevini Tonic for Rejuvenating the Body, Mind and Soul |