Healing Prayers
Ordering a Hard Copy of the book 'A Healer's Guide'
Who am I ?
A short guided meditation to discover the Infinite Ocean of peace, love and bliss within us, in the following languages:
Hindi, Dutch, German, Italian and English
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February 6, 2025
Home Remedy for Protection from Bacterial and Viral Infections for
Throat & Respiratory Health; and for protection of Gums.
Jan 26, 2025
Sai Sanjeevini Prayers for healing Addictions related to Sugar, Phone Chats, T.V., Mobile
Jan14, 2025
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Thought For The Week
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Healers Experiences
“How can I express my joy of having come to know of your group and the seva you are rendering. I wanted to help people on similar lines but did not know how to go about it. I must share a recent joy, or call it a miracle, I chose to call it my Sai’s grace. I had an ulcer in my mouth which was not leaving me for months...
Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyles
There is much suffering in the world today. The "standard of living" is rising everywhere but the "standard of health" is perhaps at its lowest.... The poor suffer from diseases of "deprivation". The rich on the other hand suffer from diseases of "plenty" or "excess". These include diabetes, rheumatism and arthritis, high blood pressure, heart trouble,(cholestrol), kidney failure, asthma - the list is endless.