4.1 What is a Sanjeevini Combination?
4.2 What are Selected Sanjeevini Combinations?
4.3 What are the important Features of Chapter 4 on Selected Sanjeevini Combinations?
4.4 List of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations - by Serial Number
4.5 List of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations - in Alphabetical Order
4.6 Description of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations SSC 1 to SSC 70
4.7 Selected Sanjeevini Combination Sheets
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List of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations in Alphabetical Order
Please use this list to find a Sanjeevini Combination Number for the problem in case you could not find a Combination in the Serial Number wise list of Combinations.
Selected Sanjeevini Combination for | SSC No |
Acidity | SSC 16 - b |
Addications | SSC 40 |
AIDS | SSC 22 a |
Alcohol related Addiction | SSC 40 a |
Allergic Asthma | SSC 2 c |
Allergies | SSC 2 |
Anaemia | SSC 3 |
Anger | SSC 1 a |
Angina | SSC 25 a |
Animals & Birds | SSC 58 |
Anorexia (Loss of Appetite) | SSC 41 |
Anxiety | SSC 1 b |
Appendicitis | SSC 42 |
Arteriosclerosis | SSC 25 b |
Asthma | SSC 28 f |
Astigmatism | SSC 19 c |
Atherosclerosis | SSC 25 b |
Auspicious Results In Examinations | SSC 68 |
Autism | SSC 10 c |
Awakening of Divine Values | SSC 60 |
Back Problems | SSC 4 |
Barber's rash | SSC 33 c |
Bedwetting | SSC 5 |
Better Memory | SSC 10 h |
Bites & Stings | SSC 7 |
Bleeding or Haemmorhage | SSC 6 |
Blindness (due to injuries) | SSC 19 h |
Blood Pressure (high) | SSC 8 |
Blood Pressure (low) | SSC 9 |
Boils and Abscesses | SSC 31 a |
Bone Disorders | SSC 56 |
Bone Injuries | SSC 56 a |
Brain Power | SSC 10 |
Bronchitis | SSC 28 |
Bunions (Growths) | SSC 56 d |
Burns | SSC 11 |
Caffeine related Addiction | SSC 40 b |
Calamities - Earthquakes, Floods... | SSC 61 |
Cancer, Tumours | SSC 22 b |
Canine Distemper | SSC 58 b |
Caries | SSC 35 a |
Cataract | SSC 19 e |
Cerebral palsy | SSC 30 a |
Chicken pox | SSC 21 c |
Childbirth | SSC 20 f |
Cholera | SSC 16 b |
Cirrhosis of the Liver | SSC 27 c |
Cleansing & Kidney | SSC 12 |
Cold & Sinus problems | SSC 13 |
Colitis | SSC 16 i |
Coma | SSC 10 k |
Computer related Addiction | SSC 40 e |
Conjunctivitis | SSC 19 a |
Constipation problems | SSC 14 |
Cough | SSC 28 b |
Crohn's Disease/ Celiac Disease | SSC 16 j |
Cut or Wound | SSC 6 d |
Cysts and Growths | SSC 20 h |
Dandruff | SSC 23 b |
Deafness | SSC 17 a |
Dementia | SSC 10 i |
Dengue | SSC 21 i |
Departed Souls - Peace & Tranquility | SSC 69 |
Depression | SSC 1 c |
Dhobi's itch | SSC 33 c |
Diabetes Mellitus | SSC 15 a |
Diabetes | SSC 15 |
Diarrhoea and Dysentry | SSC 16 e |
Digestion problems | SSC 16 |
Diphtheria | SSC 21 g |
Downes Syndrome | SSC 10 d |
Drought Relief | SSC 62 |
Drug related Addiction | SSC 40 d |
Dry cough | SSC 37 a |
Dry Eyes | SSC 19 j |
Ear problems | SSC 17 |
Eczema | SSC 33 b |
Emergencies | SSC 18 |
Entities | SSC 1 d |
Environmental Pollution | SSC 67 |
Epidemics - Healing and Protection | SSC 65 |
Epilepsy | SSC 10 e |
Examination Stress | SSC 10 j |
Eye | SSC 19 |
Fears | SSC 1 e |
Female problems | SSC 20 |
Fevers | SSC 21 |
Fibroids | SSC 20 h |
Filaria | SSC 21 h |
Fissures | SSC 31 b |
Fistula | SSC 31 c |
Flatulence (Gas) | SSC 16 a |
Fluorosis | SSC 56 c |
Frozen Shoulder | SSC 4 d |
Fungal infection (including ringworm) | SSC 33 c |
Gall Stones | SSC 27 b |
Giddiness | SSC 17 d |
Glands - Including Cancer & AIDS | SSC 22 |
Glaucoma | SSC 19 f |
Gonorrhoea | SSC 43 |
Growths (Bones) | SSC 56 d |
Hair problems | SSC 23 |
Hayfever | SSC 21 a |
Headache problems | SSC 24 |
Heart | SSC 25 |
Hernia | SSC 44 |
Herpes Simplex | SSC 33 h |
Herpes Zoaster (Shingles) | SSC 33 g |
Hiccups | SSC 16 d |
Hole in the heart | SSC 25 d |
Hydrocele | SSC 29 b |
Hyperactivity | SSC 1 f |
Hyperthyroidism | SSC 36 b |
Hypothyroidism | SSC 36 c |
Incontinence of desires | SSC 45 c |
Incontinence | SSC 45 |
Indecisiveness | SSC 1 g |
Indigestion Colic | SSC 16 g |
Infertility (Female) | SSC 20 g |
Infertility (Male) | SSC 29 c |
Injuries | SSC 26 |
Jaundice (Incl. all types of hepatitis) | SSC 27 a |
Juvenile Diabetes | SSC 15 b |
Kidnapping Victims Release | SSC 63 |
Kidney Failure (Renal Failure) | SSC 12 b |
Kidney Stones (also in urinary tract) | SSC 12 c |
Leprosy | SSC 46 |
Leucoderma (Vitiligo) | SSC 33 f |
Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) | SSC 20 a |
Lice | SSC 23 a |
Liver problems | SSC 27 |
Lumbago (low back pain) | SSC 4 c |
Lung & Chest | SSC 28 |
Malaria | SSC 21 a |
Male problems | SSC 29 |
Mange | SSC 58 c |
Marasmus | SSC 47 |
Measles | SSC 21 d |
Meniere's Disease (Vertigo and giddiness) | SSC 17 c |
Meningitis | SSC 21 j |
Menopause | SSC 20 c |
Menstrual Disorders | SSC 20 d |
Mental Retardation | SSC 10 a |
Migraine | SSC 24 a |
Multiple Sclerosis | SSC 10 g |
Mumps | SSC 21 e |
Muscular Dystrophy | SSC 48 |
Nicotine related Addiction | SSC 40 c |
Night blindness | SSC 19 d |
Nose bleed | SSC 6 a |
Obesity (being overweight) | SSC 49 |
Osteoporosis | SSC 56 b |
Oxygenation | SSC 28 h |
Palpitations | SSC 25 c |
Paralysis | SSC 30 |
Parkinsons Disease | SSC 10 f |
PFBD (Beak and Feather disease) | SSC 58 d |
Phobias | SSC 1 h |
Phone Chats related Addiction | SSC 40 f |
Physical Retardation | SSC 10 f |
Piles (Haemerrhoids | SSC 14 a |
Pneumonia | SSC 28 c |
Pneumonic plague | SSC 28 g |
Poisoning | SSC 16 k |
Polio | SSC 30 b |
Polyps | SSC 50 |
Pornography related Addiction | SSC 50 h |
Pregnancy | SSC 20 e |
Pre-Menstrual Tension | SSC 20 k |
Primary Complex (Start of Tuberculosis) | SSC 28 e |
Prolapsed Uterus | SSC 20 l |
Prolapsed Colon | SSC 16 m |
Prostate bleeding | SSC 6 c |
Prostate problems | SSC 29 d |
Prostate Cancer | SSC 29 e |
Psoriasis | SSC 33 a |
Puberty (girls) | SSC 20 b |
Puberty (boys) | SSC 29 a |
Pus & Drawing | SSC 31 |
Pus in the ear | SSC 17 e |
Pyorrhoea and Bleeding gums | SSC 35 c |
Removal of Negative Emotions | SSC 59 |
Resentment | SSC 1 i |
Rheumatism, Arthirtis and Gout | SSC 32 |
Ringworm | SSC 33 c |
Sai Sanjeevini Tonic | SSC 70 |
Sarva Shakthi Shanthi | SSC 1 |
Scabies | SSC 33 l |
Schizophrenia | SSC 1 j |
Sciatica | SSC 4 c |
Septicaemia | SSC 51 |
Sexual incontinence | SSC 45 b |
Simple Goitre | SSC 36 a |
Skin problems | SSC 33 |
Sleep disorders | SSC 1 k |
Slipped Disc Sciatica | SSC 4 b |
Social Upliftment of Underprivileged | SSC 66 |
Soil Rejuvenation | SSC 57 |
Spondylitis | SSC 4 a |
Spurs | SSC 56 d |
Squint Eye | SSC 19 i |
Stress | SSC 1 l |
Styes | SSC 19 g |
Sunstroke | SSC 34 |
Syphillis | SSC 52 |
Swine Flu | SSC 21 l |
Tearing Eyes and Dry Eyes | SSC 19 j |
Teeth & Gums | SSC 35 |
Teething in babies | SSC 35 b |
Television related Addiction | SSC 40 g |
Threatened Miscarriage | SSC 20 g |
Thyroid problems | SSC 36 |
Ticks & Fleas | SSC 58 a |
Tinnitus | SSC 17 b |
Tonsilitis & Other Throat problems | SSC 37 |
Tonsilitis | SSC 21 f |
Tonsils with Pus | SSC 37 b |
Traveller's Protection | SSC 55 a |
Tuberculosis | SSC 28 d |
Tumours | SSC 20 h |
Typhoid | SSC 21 b |
Ulcer | SSC 16 f |
Ulcers | SSC 38 |
Urinary incontinence | SSC 45 a |
Urinary Tract Infection | SSC 12 a |
Urticaria (Hives or pithi) | SSC 2 b |
Urticaria (Pitthi/Hives) | SSC 33 d |
Uterine bleeding | SSC 6 b |
Vaccine Antidote | SSC 55 |
Vertigo and giddiness | SSC 17 d |
Violence | SSC 1 m |
Vision | SSC 1 m |
Vitiligo | SSC 33 f |
Vomitting | SSC 39 |
War - Peace and Harmony | SSC 64 |
Warts | SSC 33 e |
Water Retention | SSC 53 |
Whooping Cough | SSC 54 |
Worms & Parasites | SSC 16 g |
Yellow Fever | SSC 21 k |