SSC 61  Sanjeevini Combination for Healing and Protection of all Beings Affected in Calamities
(Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Forest Fires…)


SSC No Combination for  BPS, DS & SSC Combinations included

SSC 61

Sanjeevini Combination for Healing and Protection of all Beings Affected in Calamities

(Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes, Forest Fires…)

(Basic Combination)

SSC 70 Sai Sanjeevini Tonic Combination+
DS 113 Shakti Sanjeevini+
DS 114 Shanthi Sanjeevini (Eternal Peace) +
DS 115 Shock Sanjeevini +
DS 247 Consolation Sanjeevini +
DS 216 Faith Sanjeevini +
DS 48 Emergencies Sanjeevini+
DS 209 Drinking Water (for all) Sanjeevini +
DS 226 Nourishing Food (for all) Sanjeevini +
DS 250 Dignified Housing (for all) Sanjeevini +
DS 189 Prema (divine love) Sanjeevini +
DS 169 Forgiveness Sanjeevini +
DS 202 Compassion Sanjeevini +
DS 91 Pain Sanjeevini +
DS 71 Injury Sanjeevini + 
DS 68 Infection Sanjeevini  +
DS 50 Fevers & Flu (all) Sanjeevini +
DS 19 Blood Sugar Imbalance Sanjeevini +
DS 72 Jaundice (all types of Hepatitis) Sanjeevini +
DS 41 Diarrhea /Dysentery Sanjeevini +
DS 38 Dehydration Sanjeevini +
DS 31 Cholera Sanjeevini + 
DS 133 Typhoid Sanjeevini +
DS 263 Yearning for Selfless Service Sanjeevini + 
BPS 31 Mind Sanjeevini +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini +
BPS 24 Immune System Sanjeevini +
BPS 14 Eye Sanjeevini +
BPS 4 Back Sanjeevini +
BPS 36 Nervous System Sanjeevini +
BPS 41 Respiratory Tract Sanjeevini +
Any other Sanjeevini that you feel is relevant.


The Sai Sanjeevini healing remedy made from the SSC 61 Combination, seeks physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and strength for all the people affected by the calamity, to rebuild their homes and lives with the strong foundation of faith, love, peace and harmony. Also included in the Combination are healing prayers for eternal peace for the souls of all people who have lost their lives in the calamity

Besides the Sai Sanjeevini Tonic (SSC 1 + SSC 60), there are 30 Sai Sanjeevini healing Cards included in this Combination for protection and healing of all beings affected in Calamities. It is a fairly comprehensive Combination which has Sanjeevinis for most of the challenges faced by people affected in Calamities. Please do go through the brief description and purpose for which each of these Sanjeevini prayers is included. Sanjeevinis for Cholera, Typhoid. Jaundice, Diarrhea, Fevers and Flu are included to act as healing and protective remedies as the probability of these diseases taking hold in the calamity stricken areas is usually high.

Two ways of Reaching out to people affected in Calamities with Sanjeevini healing prayers

1. By Distributing the Sanjeevini Remedy Kit for Calamities to as many people affected as possible.

2. By Broadcasting the Sanjeevini Combination for Calamities to all beings affected.

Both the ways are described in detail below:

1. By Distributing the Sanjeevini Remedy Kit to as many people affected as possible.

A Sanjeevini Remedy Kit (Exhibit 19 on Page E-9 of Exhibits ) includes (1) a sample of the remedy to be given to a patient or to people affected by calamities and (2) a laminated copy of a Multiplication and Broadcasting Card. The Healing kit is Self empowering and makes the patient receiving it self-dependent for preparing the daily Sanjeevini remedy in water or any other medium. Please see Sections 3.14 & 3.15 of Chapter 3.

Please follow the Step by Step instructions on how to prepare the Sanjeevini Remedy Kit for distribution during Calamities?

Step 1 Prepare a sample of SSC 61 Combination for protection and healing of all beings affected by the Calamity in Vibhuti or Pills or Turmeric powder as explained in Section 3.5.1 and Chapter 5. If you have already prepared all SSC samples from SSC 1 to SSC 70 ( Chapter 5), you can use the SSC 61 sample already prepared.

Step 2 Place the charged SSC 61 sample on the left side of the Multiplication and Broadcasting Card.

Step 3 Place a large container with fresh Vibhuti, globules or Turmeric powder on the right side of the M & B Card on the Output circle and leave for half a minute or more. Please see Exhibit 18 on Page E-9 of Exhibits.

Step 4 During this time of half a minute or more, pray from the depths of your heart for the physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual healing and protection of all beings affected in the Calamity.

The fresh medium in the container on the right side of the M & B card is now the Sanjeevini remedy for giving to as many people affected as possible.

Step 5 Fill up large number of 1/2 Drahm plastic bottles with the SSC 61 remedy just prepared in Vibhuti with Steps 1 to Step 4. You could prepare the remedy in Homeo globules or Turmeric powder as well. Filling1/3 to ½ of the bottle with Vibhuti is adequate as a Sample. Please see Exhibit 21 on Page E-9 of Exhibits.

Step 6 Make photo copies of Exhibit 4 on page E-2. Laminate these and cut out individual M & B Cards. Keep a good stock of Laminated M & B Cards.

Step 7 Get the right size zip type cellophane bags from a stationery shop. The M & B Card you are using should fit into the Cello bag. Please see Exhibit 19 on Page E-9 of Exhibits.

Step 8 Insert one ½ drachm bottle with the SSC 61 charged vibhuti and one M& B Card in each Cello bag.

This is the Sanjeevini Remedy Kit to be shared lovingly with as many people affected as you can reach out to.

Prepare as many kits as you wish to distribute in the Calamity affected area you have decided to offer your Sanjeevini Seva ( Service) . It can be 20 Kits, 50 Kits or 100 Kits or 500 Kits or 1000 Kits or more depending on your resources and the time available.

Step 9 Before distributing the Kits give the affected people a brief understanding of the Sanjeevini healing system in small groups. Talk about its simplicity, zero side effects and effectiveness. Share your personal experiences or the experiences shared in the book in Chapter 1 Section 1.3 Mention its global reach: that it is being used in many countries and has been translated into many languages worldwide.

Demonstrate to them clearly the process of preparing their daily healing and protective remedy in water by placing the Sanjeevinis charged bottle in the Kit on the left side of the M&B Card and a glass or bottle of water on the right side of the Card for ½ a minute or more - Exhibit -17 on Page E-9.

Explain to them the importance of praying/chanting/being in silence during this time of transfer of vibrations from the Sanjeevini Sample into the water. They should pray from the depths of their heart for the physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual healing and protection of every member of their family and every other person affected in their village, city, country in the calamity. Any prayer from any faith is perfect. The following prayer may be used as a guideline for sharing if it appeals to you. Of course people can add any other specific prayers as well.

“O Lord, please heal and protect with Your healing love and grace all those affected by the Earthquake in ……..(city/country). Please protect and heal me, my family, friends, neighbours & all my brethren in my village, city, district, country from all suffering which comes from diseases of body, mind and soul. Please forgive us all for the wrongs that we have done knowingly or unknowingly, which may have been the cause of this calamity and suffering. Give us all the strength and wisdom to rebuild our lives on the strong foundations of Satya (Truth), Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non Violence) which will always keep us protected from any harm and ensure true prosperity in our lives individually and collectively. O Divine Master, lead us from untruth to truth; from the darkness of ignorance to the light of spiritual wisdom; from the death of our ego to the immortally of our soul.”

The last part of the prayer is very important because it seeks the ultimate goal of human birth : liberation or moksha or Self-realization. We make it a point to emphasize its importance so that every one becomes aware of it and can include it in their daily prayers during good and difficult times.

Tell them about some of the important Sanjeevinis that are included in the Combination for healing and protection. Please do read the brief description of the Sanjeevinis in SSC 61 in this section itself.

Also tell them that they should continue to follow their Doctor's advice and treatment and that they should take the Sanjeevinis charged water along with any other medication they may be taking.

We have shared the above guidelines based on our humble experiences during the Sanjeevini Seva that we have had the opportunity to offer during a few Calamities. It is important that you go by your inner guidance on what you share with them because each situation can be quite different.

After your brief introduction to the healing system, you will most likely find that people are inspired and want a kit. Many will request for an extra kit for their relatives or friends. In one major calamity that we had gone and served over 1200 people, there was only one person who did not want a Kit. Most people wanted one or more extra kits. Please do not push any one into using the system. There may be a few who do not feel the need for it or are not comfortable using it for any reason whatsoever. We must respect their choice and feelings and pray for their well being anyway.

2. Broadcasting the SSC 61 Sanjeevini Combination for healing and protection of all beings affected in the Calamity.

No matter which part of the world we are located in, as Sanjeevini healers we have the opportunity to offer our humble and loving service to help relieve the suffering of our brethren affected by any natural calamity like Earthquakes, Floods, Hurricanes..

Divine love is the most potent healing energy in the Universe. It cannot be bound by matter, space or time - it flows freely and instantly when God is called upon earnestly with faith and surrender. This love is the essence of every Sanjeevini prayer. When we set up healing broadcasts we are truly transmitting powerful waves of the energy of divine love to all beings affected, which reach the intended beneficiaries instantly.

Many Sanjeevini healers worldwide have developed immense faith in the power of Broadcasting through their extensive personal experiences gained by regularly setting up healing Broadcasts for people in physical, mental, emotional or financial distress.

If you wish to experience the power of Sai Sanjeevini prayers through Broadcasting, we encourage you to use this method as often as you can . It takes only a minute a day.

Procedure for Setting up the Sanjeevini Broadcast:

Step 1: Place the bottle containing the Sample of SSC 61 Combination for Calamities on the left side of the M & B Card.

Step 2 Write the description of intended beneficiaries of the Sanjeevini Healing Broadcast on a paper.

On a piece of paper write the name of the individual or family or a description of a group of people for whose healing, protection and well being you are setting up the healing Broadcast. This group could be of a few people or tens of thousands of people or millions of people. The Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Divine can reach out to each one of them instantly.

E,g. Mr. A or Mr. A and his family or All beings affected by the earthquakes in ….......……city/country

Animal lovers can set up special Broadcasts addressed to:

All animals affected by the Earthquake in …………city/country

We recommend that you set up at least one broadcast that covers every one affected in the calamity, besides setting up other more focused broadcasts addressed to individuals or families or specific groups.

Leave the paper on the Output circle of the M & B Card. Please see Exhibit 22 on Page E-10 of Exhibits.

Step 3: Add the power of your own fervent prayers

Now, please add the power of your own prayers to the Omnipotent Divine to heal and protect all beings affected in the Calamity. Any prayer from any faith is perfect. The following prayer may be used as a guideline if it appeals to you.

“O Lord, please heal and protect with Your healing love and grace all beings affected by the Earthquake in ……..(city/country). Please protect and heal them from all suffering which comes from diseases of body, mind and soul. Please forgive them all for the wrongs that they may have done knowingly or unknowingly, which may have been the cause of this calamity and suffering. Give them all the strength and wisdom to rebuild their lives on the strong foundations of Sathya (Truth), Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non Violence) which will always keep them protected from any harm and ensure true prosperity in their lives individually and collectively. O Divine Master, lead us all from untruth to truth; from the darkness of ignorance to the light of spiritual wisdom; from the death of our ego to the immortally of our soul.”

The Sai Sanjeevini healing broadcast is now on - to all the intended beneficiaries mentioned on the paper kept on the Output circle of the M & B Card.

All the people you have addressed in the Broadcast, have now begun to receive the healing and transformational vibrations of all the Sanjeevini Prayers in the SSC 61 Sample and of your own prayers. Remember prayers travel instantly in the eternal spiritual dimension which transcends time and space.

Step 4 Refreshing your healing broadcasts

Refreshing of Sai Sanjeevini healing Broadcasts is done by keeping the Broadcasting Station (the M & B Card with the broadcast) in front of us and repeating our fervent prayer for a minute or more, from the depths of our heart, for the protection and well being of all affected as explained in Step 3 above. If you are not close to the Broadcasting Station, mentally visualize the M & B card and say your prayer with faith and love.

Sanjeevini Broadcasts remain active 24/7 once they are set up. By refreshing the Broadcast every day or twice a day or once in two days... based on our inner guidance, we reaffirm the purity and focus of our healing intentions and prayers.

How long should the Broadcast for a calamity be kept on?

It could be a few days, a few weeks or months depending on the severity of the Calamity. Please go by your inner guidance.

Benefits of Sai Sanjeevini Healing Broadcasting Seva

1. All the intended beneficiaries of the healing Broadcast definitely benefit holistically with our focused daily prayers along with the Sanjeevini prayers being broadcast continuously. Sanjeevini healing fragrances whether received through Broadcasts or directly in a medium like pills or water, always enrich lives of affected people by helping open channels of self-healing, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-realisation within each one of them.

2. Our consciousness gets purified as we expand the circle of our compassionate love from our immediate family to our universal family (Vasudaiva Kutumbkam). We are able to experience more deeply the precious infinite treasure of peace, love and bliss within ourselves in the spiritual realm of Oneness. We liberate ourselves from all suffering.

3. The subtle positive healing vibrations being radiated continuously purify the environment at the subtlest level which brings balance in the five elements and pacifies Mother Nature's wrath in the form of Calamities. It promotes peace and harmony at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels in all the worlds.

Divine Inspiration

“From the narrow vision of the individual need, one must voyage out into the broad vision of the Universal. When a drop of water falls into the ocean, it loses its narrow individualities, its name and form and assumes the form, name and taste of the ocean itself. If it seeks to live separately as a drop, it will soon evaporate and be reduced to non-existence. Each one must become aware that he/she is part of the One Truth that encompasses everything in the Universe. Make the heart big and the mind pure, only then can peace and prosperity be established on earth. ”

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Description of Sanjeevinis included in SSC 61 Combination

DS 113 Shakti Sanjeevini is a prayer for awakening the inner Atmic strength which destroys all fears and negative emotions that might arise in challenging situations. It provides the courage and confidence to rebuild our lives.

DS 114 Shanthi Sanjeevini(Eternal Peace) is for harmony and tranquility in Mother Nature, for peace within and without for every one affected and for eternal peace for the souls of all those who passed away in the tragic calamity.

DS 115 Shock Sanjeevini is to neutralize all the damaging effects of the sudden Shock of the Calamity on the body, mind, emotions and spirit. The adverse effects of shock can linger on in people for a long time and can become the root cause of chronic ailments.

DS 247 Consolation Sanjeevini Grief is but natural when we lose a dear one or lose everything material that we may have built or accumulated over a life time. Consolation Sanjeevini is a prayer to grant solace to even those who are in inconsolable anguish. It is a prayer to awaken the profound wisdom of understanding the impermanence and transitory nature of all names and forms and to be focused on the core of every being - the immortal self, atman or divinity.

DS 216 Faith Sanjeevini Faith in God and His divine plan for each one of us . Faith in our God gifted inner strength to meet every challenge with confidence, optimism and equanimity. Faith in its subtlest spiritual level signifies surrender to His will.

DS 48 Emergencies Sanjeevini includes the prayers for urgently reestablishing harmony and peace in all the five elements to subdue and quieten mother nature's fury in the form of floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunamis, Forest fires. It also has the fervent prayers for an urgent healing help for all those affected by the calamity.

DS 209 Drinking Water (for all) Sanjeevini is a prayer which seeks pure drinking water for every being affected in the calamity in every village, city and the whole country.

DS 226 Nourishing Food (for all) Sanjeevini is a prayer for Nourishing Food for all affected in the Calamity.

DS 250 Dignified Housing (for all ) Sanjeevini has the prayers to the Lord to provide Dignified Housing ( for all) affected in the Calamity. In many parts of the world there are ongoing problems of drinking water, nourishing food and dignified housing . DS 209, DS 226 and DS 250 Sanjeevinis should always be used for alleviating the suffering of people facing scarcity due to poverty, draught or any other cause.

DS 189 Prema (divine love) Sanjeevini Divine love is the most potent healing energy in the Universe. It cannot be bound by matter, space or time - it flows freely and instantly when God is called upon with faith and surrender. This love is the essence of every Sanjeevini prayer.

When we set up healing broadcasts for Calamities we are truly transmitting powerful waves of the energy of divine love to all beings affected in a Calamity, which reach the intended beneficiaries instantly.

DS 169 Forgiveness Sanjeevini Forgiving others and seeking forgiveness are two very important requirements for self-healing and for creating an environment which nourishes wholistic health from within and without.

When we refuse to forgive others unconditionally we allow the negative emotions of resentment, bitterness, hatred to fester in our mind which becomes the root cause of several chronic ailments including tumours and cancers.

Seeking forgiveness from God on behalf of one's self, one's family, one's village, the whole country, the whole of humanity - for the wrongs any one may have committed knowingly or unknowingly, individually or collectively, because of which this devastating Calamity has struck the region. Seeking forgiveness from the depths of our heart is a simple but highly effective practice to clear our individual and collective Karmic debts.

Please try this out for a month with all seriousness and sincerity to experience its positive benefits.

DS 202 Compassion Sanjeevini This Sanjeevini has the prayer for awakening this powerful virtue in us. It helps us to realize our deep bond with every being in the spiritual realm of Oneness. With Compassion awakened, Loving all, serving all; Helping Ever, Hurting Never comes to us effortlessly, naturally and spontaneously.

DS 91 Pain Sanjeevini is a prayer for removing all pain at the physical, mental and emotional levels. Use it for headaches, back pains, abdominal pains or any other pain in any part of the body. Every Sanjeevini prayer has the healing vibrations to heal the root causes and the symptoms.

DS 71 Injury Sanjeevini is for healing of all injuries at the physical, mental and emotional levels.

DS 68 Infection Sanjeevini For healing all infections. As a preventive it will build our immunity against all infections.

DS 50 Fevers & Flu (all) Sanjeevini To be used for healing root causes and symptoms of all fevers and flus. This Sanjeevini also acts as a good subtle preventive remedy during epidemics of different kinds of fevers and flus.

DS 19 Blood Sugar Imbalance Sanjeevini In stressful situations there is always a high probability of Blood Sugar imbalance. This Sanjeevini prayer is for removing any imbalance in the blood sugar which can lead to several other complications in the body and mind.

DS 72 Jaundice (all types of Hepatitis) Sanjeevini is for prevention and healing of all liver related disorders. Remember every Sanjeevini acts like a subtle Preventive remedy in a healthy person and works as a curative remedy in a person who has developed the symptoms of the disease.

DS 41 Diarrohea /Dysentery Sanjeevini For prevention and healing of this disease which can take epidemic proportions in Calamities.

DS 38 Dehydration Sanjeevini is to be taken along with DS 41 Diarrohea /Dysentery Sanjeevini or otherwise whenever the symptom shows up.

DS 31 Cholera Sanjeevini is for prevention and healing of Cholera. Usually taken along with DS 41 and DS 38. This is another Sanjeevini which everybody in the Calamity affected areas can take as a preventive 3 to 6 times a day. Rescue and relief workers, medical relief workers including Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics can also take this subtle remedy as a Preventive.

DS 133 Typhoid Sanjeevini Use this Sanjeevini also as a Preventive. If the disease

has taken hold in the body the remedy can be taken very frequently to assist the healing process along with other medication that is being taken as prescribed by the Doctor.

DS 263 Yearning for Selfless Service Sanjeevini is to awaken this precious virtue. Those who get immersed in Seva (Selfless Service) during calamities develop immense inner Strength & Peace. Many divine blessings come their way. Even those who are seriously injured can do seva by praying several times everyday from the depths of their heart, for the holistic well being of others.

BPS 31 Mind Sanjeevini The mind can be our best friend and also our worst enemy. This Sanjeevini prayer seeks a calm, pure and equanimous mind free from all negative emotions - a mind which is always deeply connected to our true reality, the Atman within.

BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini The whole body is often affected in earthquakes. This Sanjeevini prayer also seeks forgiveness for any Karmic debts that are due individually or collectively.

BPS 24 Immune System Sanjeevini A strong immune system is the best protection from most diseases. This Sanjeevini prayer is for healing and strengthening this vital body system.

BPS 14 Eye Sanjeevini ; To rejuvenate and protect the eyes and to heal all eye related problems like Conjunctivitis, Vision, Glaucoma, Styes, Squint Eye, Tearing Eyes ,Dry Eyes…

BPS 4 Back Sanjeevini To strengthen the back and to heal all back related problems like Spondylitis, Slipped Disc Sciatica, Lumbago (low back pain), Frozen Shoulder…

BPS 36 Nervous System Sanjeevini To rejuvenate the Nervous system and to heal and prevent all nervous system related disorders like Paralysis, Parkinson, Alzheimer's, Stroke…

BPS 41 Respiratory Tract Sanjeevini To rejuvenate the repiratory tract for prevention and healing of every respiratory tract related problems like Cold, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis…

“Calamities must deepen your courage, enlarge your faith; your spiritual practice must be intensified just when the weather is inclement. In fair weather, a care-free attitude is pardonable, but, in foul weather, every precaution is of value.”

- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

"Love God. Have faith in God. Surrender unto Him. Dedicate your whole life to God and perform all actions as an offering unto Him, Let all your actions help others. Help ever, hurt never. You may think that you may not bother when others are undergoing suffering. Who knows what is in store for you the next moment? If you wish to be always happy, pray for the welfare of others."

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba