SSC 10 Brain Power Combination  



SSC No Combination for  BPS, DS & SSC Combinations included

SSC 10

 Brain Power


(Basic Combination)

SSC 70 Sai Sanjeevini Tonic
BPS 8 Brain Sanjeevini +
DS 22  Brain Power Sanjeevini+
BPS 36 Nervous System Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (a)

Mental Retardation

SSC 10 Brain Power Combination+
DS 107 Retardation (mental) Sanjeevini +
BPS 13 Endocrine System Sanjeevini +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (b)

 Physical retardation

SSC 10 Brain Power Combination +
DS 108 Retardation (Physical) Sanjeevini +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (c)


SSC 10 Brain Power Combination +
DS 12 Autism Sanjeevini +
DS 119 Speech Sanjeevini +
BPS 50 Tongue Sanjeevini +
DS 143 SAFE Sanjeevini +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (d)

 Downes Syndrome

SSC 10 Brain Power Combination +
DS 45 Downes Syndrome +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (e)


SSC 10 Brain Power Combination +
DS 49 Epilepsy Sanjeevini +
BPS 13 Endocrine System Sanjeevini +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini +
DS 143 SAFE Sanjeevini +
DS 19 Blood Sugar Imbalance

SSC 10 (f)

 Parkinsons Disease

SSC 10 Brain Power Combination +
SSC 30 Paralysis Combination +
DS 94 Parkinsons Sanjeevini+
BPS 13 Endocrine System Sanjeevini +
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (g)

 Multiple Sclerosis

SSC 10  Brain Power Combination +
SSC 30  Paralysis Combination +
DS 86   Multiple Sclerosis Sanjeevini
BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini +
BPS 13 Endocrine System Sanjeevini +

SSC 10 (h)

 Better Memory

SSC 10  Brain Power Combination +
DS 159 Better Memory Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (i)


SSC 10 Brain Power Combination +
SSC 27 Liver Combination
DS 163 Dementia Sanjeevini
DS 156 Antitoxins - Heavy Metals Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (j)

 Examination Stress

SSC 10  Brain Power Combination +
DS 167 Examination Stress Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (k)


SSC 10 Brain Power Combination +
DS 33   Coma Sanjeevini

Notes on a few sub Combinations under SSC 10

SSC 10 (a) Mental retardation & SSC 10(b) Physical retardation:

For Spastic children (due to any causes - polio, cerebral palsy etc.), please add SSC 30 Paralysis Combination and any other relevant Body Part Sanjeevinis that may be required. If the cause is polio, please add Polio Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (c) Autism

These children usually have severe allergies. (Please treat them separately for allergies). For this reason they must be kept completely away from JUNK FOOD and packet food of any kind as much is possible.. They are very sensitive to sugar, which can make them very violent and almost all of them are severely allergic to milk. Many are also allergic to wheat. They find it very difficult to make any personal relationships. They avoid any kind of eye contact.

Their senses are highly tuned - they see things very magnified and hear sounds which we do not even notice. Similarly their memories are also finely tuned so that they remember the previous life - with its old body and previous relationships - the present body and present parents are to them a frightening "misplacement".

Autism is not the end of the road however - many children grow up to be almost normal. From experience we know that these children have probably taken rebirth very soon after having left the previous body - probably in a violent or sudden manner.

SSC 10 (d) Downes Syndrome

These children have a lot of problems with sinuses, and chesty conditions. They also have a weak heart. Add all the relevant combinations for these conditions. Like autistic children these children must be kept on a ZERO or MINIMAL JUNK FOOD DIET

SSC 10 (d) Epilepsy

There are two types of Epilepsy - Petit mal and Grand mal. In Petit mal the patient, usually a child, tends to develop a vacant look in the eyes for a short period (ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes). After that the child usually goes to sleep for a few hours.

In Grand mal, the patient has a violent fit and falls down and often injures himself.

It appears that epilepsy has become very common today. The truth however is that many children are diagnosed as having epilepsy and put on dangerous, addictive, mind-boggling, liver destroying drugs. We feel that the so called "brainstorms" that these children are said to suffer from are triggered by external factors. Television is a major culprit. Too many electric gadgets in the house operating together is another cause. Perfumes and certain smells, sugars, bottled drinks, artificial flavours have a big role to play in destroying the lives of these children and their parents. These children are often worse at the full moon or the moonless night.

The "Chakras" of these children are not tuned in correctly. The Endocrine System Sanjeevini is programmed to balance the Chakras.

Please donot discontinue the drugs of these children. You must seek the advice of your medical doctor who is treating the child on when to stop or reduce the medication. As improvement takes place the doctor will guide you to slowly reduce the drugs.

If both parents are counselled on what the television and wrong foods are doing to the child, we find that the lifestyle of the whole family changes bringing about great relief in the life of the child.

SSC 10 (f) Parkinsons -

Please add the relevant Sanjeevinis for the body parts affected.

SSC 10 (g) Multiple Sclerosis -

Vision and speech may be affected. In such cases please add SSC 19 (b) Vision combination under the Eye Combination + DS 19 Speech Sanjeevini + BPS 50 Tongue Sanjeevini

SSC 10 (h) Better Memory -

Named as it is, there is no one who will not "want" this Sanjeevini. But there is also a pun on the word "better" - when we can recall only the negatives of our life - its time to use this Sanjeevini for recall of "better" days and experiences. Of course it is also for improving the memory.

SSC 10 (i) Dementia -

Dementia is a disorder of the brain involving loss of memory and other intellectual functions. This combination is also to be used for Alzheimer's Disease.

SSC 10 (j) Examination Stress -

Examination Stress Sanjeevini can be used for all of life's examinations and tests - not only for students' appearing for academic examinations.

SSC 10 (k) Coma –

Coma can happen due to a lot of different causes. The medical doctors usually can identify the cause for every Coma patient and administer their treatment accordingly.

Coma Sanjeevini has the subtle vibration of a fervent prayer to the Lord for healing whatever be the cause(s) at the physical, mental and spiritual level, for the person to whom the Sanjeevini is being broadcast.

How effective are Sanjeevinis in such cases ? You have to experience this for yourself. We have immense faith in it borne out of experience.

There are times when in difficult cases even Doctors after offering their very best treatment give up on Coma patients and tell the family that they should now pray for a miracle of healing.

In Sanjeevini healing we believe in the power of prayers to bring about miracles of healing in every case and not just very complicated or end of the road cases.

So we offer our seva with immense faith, devotion, dedication and in complete humility for every case, in a spirit of loving surrender to the Lord.