Healing Prayers
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Thought For The Week
"Sivaratri is a very auspicious day for all. It is the fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight, when the moon is waning, and the sun is in the sign of Aquarius. However, the festival is related to the moon rather than the sun. Unlike other nights, this particular night is the night of consecration, of dedication, of illumination. The mind is intimately associated with the moon. Chandra, the deity of the moon, is the presiding deity of the mind. He loses one sixteenth of his brilliance every day after the full moon day and continues waning until, on this night, he is left with just one sixteenth of his power. The waned moon may be taken to stand for the mind with all its wild fancies and waywardness reduced after it has been conquered by spiritual discipline. On this night, there is just a minute part more to be conquered, and that can be done by keeping vigil and dwelling on the glory of God The vigil that is prescribed is symbolic of the eternal vigil one has to observe, while the rite of fasting is symbolic of divesting the senses of the pleasures for which they crave. The night-long devotional singing is significant of the lifelong consciousness of the Divine Presence that everyone should cultivate. The rites and vows laid down for Sivaratri being absent on other nights of the year, their observance on this day comes as a reminder that they are useful."
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Healers Experiences
“How can I express my joy of having come to know of your group and the seva you are rendering. I wanted to help people on similar lines but did not know how to go about it. I must share a recent joy, or call it a miracle, I chose to call it my Sai’s grace. I had an ulcer in my mouth which was not leaving me for months...
Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyles
There is much suffering in the world today. The "standard of living" is rising everywhere but the "standard of health" is perhaps at its lowest.... The poor suffer from diseases of "deprivation". The rich on the other hand suffer from diseases of "plenty" or "excess". These include diabetes, rheumatism and arthritis, high blood pressure, heart trouble,(cholestrol), kidney failure, asthma - the list is endless.