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Welcome to Sai Sanjeevini Healing! 

A simple, self-learning, zero cost, zero side effects, prayer-based, spiritual healing system
to awaken the divine healing power and wisdom within every being


Welcome to Sai Sanjeevini Healing! 

A simple, self-learning, zero cost, zero side effects, prayer-based, spiritual healing system
to awaken the divine healing power and wisdom within every being



Hanuman 1

Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini......healing fragrances
A spiritual healing system to awaken the body's own healing power


July '96 Newsletter


              Prayer for Harmony
                For your Sanjeevini Kitchen
                Piece by P.E.A.C.E.



 Om saha naavavatu saha nau bhunaktu
Saha viryam karvaavahai,
Tejasvinaavadhtamastu maa vidvishaavahai,
Om Shantih... Shantih... Shantih...


 May the Lord protect us (by revealing Knowledge)
May He nourish us.
May we work together with great vigour
May we acquire brilliance of intellect through our studies.
May we never misunderstand each other.
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!




Dear sisters and brothers:                                                                                                                       July 1996

Our most humble pranaams at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan Baba and loving greetings to all of you.

Selfless, desire less, loving seva - in other words - "Nishkama" seva is perhaps the greatest purifier of all. We often hear the refrain from healers at seminars "I will use the Sanjeevinis on myself first, treat all my ailments first, and then start the seva". To them we always say that although it is a noble sentiment that you do not wish to use something on others without first experimenting on yourself, the truth is that your own ailments will vanish or will appear ridiculously petty when you begin to serve and observe the suffering around you. Seva, the great purifier, heals at the physical level too and through helping to heal others, you too are healed.

Two questions are being asked by many healers - not so much for their own information but in order to be accurate in providing information to other healers who are being trained by them in workshops, seminars etc. The questions are (a) does this system have Swamy's blessing; and (b) how did the Sanjeevinis originate.

For over 16 years now we have had the opportunity to live and serve amongst people, most of who were not Sai devotees but if fact belonged to all faiths and religions and hailed from different countries. To us Sai is God incarnate, but we also love, respect, and serve all those who know nothing about Him and are following a different path to God. We also try to love, respect, and serve those who deny the very existence of God. It must be noted that the Sanjeevinis are being used not only by Sai devotees but also by a vast number of other Sadhakas all over the world who are attracted to this seva because of its simplicity, effectiveness and its spiritual base.

It is our belief that all healing takes place with the blessings and Grace of the Lord - whether it is through Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, Allopathy, Vibro-healing, any other holistic system or the Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini healing fragrances.

If there is any doubt about any system of healing it should be about its scope and its limitations.

The scope of the SS-Sanjeevinis is vast. We can pray to the Lord to heal ANY ailment whatsoever. The limitation of the system - if you can call it that - is one that all the healers love - the healing will take place only if the Lord wills. (Actually, this is true of all systems of healing - we just do not understand - we go from one hospital to the next but until He will our problems linger.)

Perhaps we need to introspect a bit - can something selfless, based on prayers, without harmful effect, given lovingly, shared lovingly, possibly NOT have His blessings?

The SS-Sanjeevinis are a Gift of Love from God for His entire creation including animals and plants (refer to Piece by P.E.A.C.E.). Use them lovingly and selflessly with an open heart (and mind) in a spirit of surrender and there is a good chance that you will experience the joy of witnessing the miracle of healing with His Love and Energy - like so many others have.

Now the other question - how did the Sanjeevinis originate?

In relating this "story" I wish to make it absolutely clear that I do not possess any "special" powers nor any special spiritual insights. Like everyone else I am only a sadhaka endeavouring to purify myself through this seva.

For many years I had been using radionically prepared remedies - vibrations of Homoeopathic remedies, Homoeopathic Mixtures (Mataji Narayani's system of healing), Bach Flowers, Gem remedies, Colour remedies, Chakras, Acupuncture Meridians and Points, Tissue Salts, Allopathic drugs, Ayurvedic remedies, herbs and much more, to treat all sorts of chronic ailments. (These were all prepared using Radionic instruments from England. Later the same instruments were also made in India.)

In 1993 we were guided to return to India (we had been living overseas for about 16 years). I have often been guided in dreams by Baba and I have always taken the dreams seriously and tried to follow the instructions provided and this guidance too came in a dream. I was told that our seva was needed in India and that we would be guided every step of the way - that all we had to do was follow this first instruction and everything else would follow.

Absolutely no guidance was provided on the type of seva that we would have to do. However, soon after our return to India there was a major earthquake at Latur in Maharashtra which devastated thousands of families. We felt a strong urge to reach out to these people. Although we still had not unpacked and settled down, we loaded our Radionic instruments, pills, bottles, 2 children and 2 dogs into a van and drove from Delhi to Latur, which was about 2000 kilometers away.

With His Grace we were able to serve over 10,000 people for shock and injury and various other ailments. In early November 1993, tired but full of joy we drove from Latur to Puttaparthi to "recharge" our spiritual batteries.

We intended to stay for 2 days but ended up being there for 20 days doing seva during the Birthday celebrations. The healing that we saw take place in those 20 days was beyond our wildest dreams. Since the healing was so quick and so VISIBLE a number of devotees expressed the desire to understand "how" we were healing.

We responded enthusiastically and again with His Grace were able to share our knowledge with many people through spontaneously arranged talks. The idea of this newsletter was born during that period.

After that for 6 to 8 months we travelled extensively all over India sharing the knowledge of healthful living and eating, and Mataji Narayani's Healing system with anyone who was interested in knowing. (We had simplified this system a great deal and narrowed it down to about 40 combinations.) At every seminar we held, there would be a person from another town requesting us to conduct a seminar in his town next and so it went on.

We soon realised that there were 2 major blocks that were stopping participants from becoming healers. Although almost everyone who came was able to understand and benefit from what we had to share with regard to diet and lifestyle, (we usually had about 100-200 people in each seminar), only about 10-15 percent of the participants took up the actual healing as a seva.

The first block was the difficulty of procuring Radionic instruments (the cost was prohibitive) and healers had to rely on others who had the instruments to provide them with remedies. Making villages and individual healers self-sufficient seemed a distant dream. The other was a block in the minds of people that since the majority of the remedies being used, although only being simulated radionically, were "homoeopathic", they needed a medical licence to do the seva. And certainly, it required some amount of study to reach any kind of proficiency.

So we prayed - light heartedly, tongue-in-cheek - with our limited intelligence, we prayed for a good hearted billionaire to come along and distribute free Radionic instruments to healers! We perhaps felt, at a subconscious level, that if the instruments were made available easily, the other mental block that people had about this being "homoeopathy" would eventually vanish.

We also prayed that healing should be simple, effective, without "pull-outs", and "free". We prayed that we should be able to teach it simply and others should further share it fearlessly without hindrance or hesitation.

We prayed for all this keeping in mind the system we were using and teaching - never for one moment dreaming that something NEW could be "invented"!

How the Lord must have wrung His hands in despair at our stupidity! How often we pray for specific things - as if we know what's best for us! ONLY HE KNOWS WHAT IS REALLY BEST!

Through a series of dreams starting in April 1994 I was guided step by step to the present stage of the system we call "Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini healing fragrances".

In the first dream in this series I was told to use the name "Sanjeevinis" for the radionically prepared remedies; then to use vibhuthi and drop the 3 " p's " - pills, potency and pathy (we were using the word vibropathy, and which we then changed to vibro-healing). Soon after this came the revelation in the next dream that this whole system would have to be dropped and a new system would have to be made by me consisting of Body Part Sanjeevinis and Diseases Sanjeevinis. This was in July 1994. In the same dream I was told that I would have to keep it so simple that the common man on the street could use it.

Since I had been using the Rae Body Part cards, I presumed He wanted me to make Sanjeevinis for those Body Parts. However, the next morning when I pulled out the list of the Rae Body Parts I realised I had misunderstood something - because these were anything but simple! So I just gave up, hoping He would guide me again. He did - that very night - called me "stupid" and said I wasn't as smart as I thought I was! He then went on to explain that He meant Body Parts as understood by the common man - hand, leg, eye etc.

This was followed by the basic pattern for the new Sanjeevinis - the nine petalled lotus. Then came the full name of the system "Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini healing fragrances" together with the explanation of the name. In these dreams, the entire knowledge was revealed on how to make the cards, the most important aspect being the "prayer". Since I had a homoeopathic bent of mind, I was told that I would have to pray, not for the healing power of homoeopathic remedies but for God's healing energy to be harnessed in the Sanjeevinis, for, His Energy comprises all healing forces - past, present and future. The only thing I was not told was which specific Body Part Sanjeevinis and Disease Sanjeevinis had to be made. But He had said "I will guide" so I surrendered.

Next came the information that "Vibro-healing" now had to become "Healing with Prayers". At each step I was told that further guidance would come when the time was right. This whole process took about 8 months - April 1994 to November 1994 - 8 months of joy and sorrow, tears and laughter, heartache and happiness - the most "unreal" 8 months imaginable.

Then suddenly, on November 9, 1994, the day it all finally came together - we received calls from many healers who were using the Radionically prepared homoeopathy-based remedies. These healers were as far apart as Delhi, Bombay, and the Middle East. Each one was at his or her wits' end - the remedies, they said, had stopped working for some diseases! This was obviously a Leela! A temporary shut down of Healing Grace to convey a message! It was as clear as daylight that this was the final signal I had been told to wait for. It was time to make the Sanjeevini cards.

As mentioned earlier, upto this point I had been given guidance on every bit of the procedure except which Diseases and Body Parts to make Sanjeevinis for. On that day, as each healer called I just kept noting down the diseases together with affected body parts. I worked day and night for 2 days and unbelievably, 48 hours later 144 Sanjeevini Master cards were ready. From these we prepared samples and rushed them to the healers. The effect was electric! The healing was almost immediate in the most desperate cases.

The rest is history. 54 Sanjeevinis were added in April 1995, 6 more in July 1995 and another 6 are now being added with this issue of the newsletter. 2 more - Poisoning (all types) Sanjeevini and Examination Stress Sanjeevini are in the pipeline. As soon as we have 6 new Sanjeevinis we will get these printed.

Many healers had requested for a Whole Body Sanjeevini. The indication to me was always "NO".  I ask for guidance but always He chooses the time.

Sometime later the Whole Body Sanjeevini (the 3 petalled lotus) materialised on one of Swamy's pictures (looked like dried up Amrit) in our home. It was there for over 2 months and we did not know what it meant until I was again guided on what it was. The day after we traced it out - it vanished as mysteriously as it had appeared.

In one Master stroke all blocks had been removed - no one need have any apprehensions about "Healing with Prayers" and because the Sanjeevinis can be made by simply keeping water (or vibhuthi or pills or food) on the printed patterns (no instruments are needed), healers. villages, villagers - all can be self-sufficient. To make the next person self sufficient all you have to do is photocopy the Sanjeevinis or give samples of Selected Sanjeevini Combinations together with a copy of Multiplication and Broadcasting Card.

Besides, the system is so simple that it needs almost no study whatsoever. It's we who are complicated. As one sister who attended a seminar in April 1995, writing to us from Germany says "... my own western thinking was still too complicated so I could not believe in the effect of the Sanjeevinis - so I didn't use them. I only started in April 1996 with wonderful results! There must be the right time and the right attitude towards GOD that makes thing work!"

As we joyfully recall the story of the Sanathana Sai Sanjeevinis, we are overwhelmed with a deep sense of loving gratitude to so many people - to those who fearlessly worked with us and shared with us the hope to make everyone self-reliant in matters of health and to those who in their intense desire to share knowledge of natural and spiritual healing with the masses, organised so many seminars and teaching sessions in all parts of the country.

Many more are being inspired to share knowledge of the Sanathana Sai Sanjeevinis in different parts of the world. We pray to the Lord to bless them all with His Love and Grace in their selfless seva to help relieve suffering.

Let us all open our hearts, our minds and our intellect to receive the Lord's Grace - It is unlimited and unstoppable!

Until the next time, may He hold you in His Love and Light,


With love and......healing fragrances,

In the service of the Lord,




In this column we will endeavour to answer your questions and doubts about the usage of Sanjeevinis and about healing in general.


Is it necessary to make colour photocopies of the Whole Body card, the Multiplication & Broadcasting card and the Neutralisation card?


No. Black and white photocopies are just as effective.


When we take photocopies of the Sanjeevini cards, some of the radii are broken or unclear. Does this matter?


No, not at all. In fact in the book, some cards have exactly this problem in the original itself. It is important to remember that the "prayer" that went to make the Sanjeevinis originally, emphasised that "this Sanjeevini would be known as ....... Sanjeevini under the Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini healing fragrances healing system". When the prayer was revealed, we did not understand the importance of these words. Now we do - just thinking about the Sanjeevini by its name would call upon the healing - lines or no lines, colour or no colour - the Lord's Healing Power knows no barriers.


Can we use the Neutralisation card to neutralise negative vibrations in pills, water, food etc.?


Yes, many people are already doing this. A wonderful idea come from a surgeon in Europe that drugs having side-effects, if they must be used, can be first placed on the Neutralisation card with a prayer to neutralise the negative side effects of the drug and then recharged with the relevant Sanjeevinis thus making the drugs doubly potent - all the while chanting your favourite prayer or mantra. 

This does not change the physical properties of the drugs or pills or water or food in any way - what it does is charge it with positive thoughts and prayers.


How long do we need to put a person on broadcast for distant healing?


For as long as it takes - i.e. until you hear from the patient that he or she is fully recovered.


How do we treat irritable bowel syndrome with the Sanjeevinis?


Use SSC 16(j) - Digestion Problems Combination (sub-combination Colitis). Do not forget fasting, fruits, lemon water with honey - all these are essential too. All animal products including dairy, to be removed.


How do we treat (a) Osteoporosis (b) Fungal Infections including Candida, (c) Herpes Simplex?


These are new Sanjeevinis being enclosed with this newsletter. Combine them with other relevant Sanjeevinis e.g. combine Osteoporosis Sanjeevini with Bone Sanjeevini and also add Cleansing Combination. 


Can we use the Sanjeevinis for animals?


Yes, of course - for plants too! We already have letters from healers confirming that they are using the Sanjeevinis very successfully with animals. Some details are given in the Piece by P.E.A.C.E. Also, some Sanjeevinis have now been made specifically for animals and are enclosed - Mange and Canine Distemper.


Can we enlarge the Sanjeevini cards?


Yes, you may enlarge the Sanjeevini cards. Many people have blown them up to a size where one can stand on the card - in such cases standing on the card for 1 to 3 minutes every day or less frequently, is the treatment.


Does the plain card without the radii with the nine lotus petals have any significance? 


Yes, we believe it does. Apart from the well known significance of a lotus and the importance of number 9 in spiritual life, I was recently guided in a dream that this basic pattern can also be enlarged and made into a seat to sit on while doing seva (e.g.. engraved into a marble or granite tile or embroidered onto a cushion cover). This, I was told, would ensure that all the channels of our spiritual endeavours would open up completely allowing us to receive and radiate His Grace more fully.


Is there any credibility to the theory of Food Combination?


Yes, we believe there is. But not exactly as being generally propounded. There is a  small difference - the emphasis in the West is to separate protein from starch - protein meaning animal protein and lentils, beans etc. Since we believe animal protein should not be part of our diet anyway, the question of combining it with anything does not arise. However, we know that the traditional diet of Indians has ALWAYS combined protein with starch - the protein being lentils, beans etc. Also buttermilk, which is an animal protein has always been combined with rice. 

What appears to be a contradiction between the existing theory of food combination and what we KNOW to be right from the Ayurvedic point of view is really quite simply explained by the usage of Indian spices which have subtle energies which can trigger off positive and dynamic digestive reactions. So a vegetarian combination which is causing a problem in food cooked the western way would be more easily digestible if cooked the Indian way. 

However, our research does show that the present generation of Indian children is beginning to show the same signs of intolerance to wrong combinations that we see in the western  population. Scores of mothers complain to us that "the child is fussy and will have only rice or only chapatti and will not have daal (lentils) with it". Further questioning shows that the child is quite happy to have the lentils separately at another meal. So, a natural instinct seems to be developing in children in India to combine "correctly". 

We believe this "devolution" is taking place because mothers in India have forgotten the art of cooking correctly. Cooking has become just another chore to be finished fast, with taste as the only criterion of quality. The correct usage of spices with different food to balance the doshas, usage of only seasonal vegetables and grains, the usage of only locally grown foods, the right time to eat different foods, adjustments due to climate - this knowledge is no longer passed on from parents to children. Science has become our God - the laboratory is our temple! 

Mothers, please make yourselves aware - do approach the elders in your family or neighbourhood and request them to share with you their secret knowledge. Do not take short cuts - the child's body and mind is built from the food you feed him or her. If that is deficient you have done nothing for them by simply building up bank balances. If their body and mind is sick no amount of wealth is going to help. 

Where combining fruits with other things there seems to be absolutely no doubt that fruit must be eaten alone on an empty stomach. Mixing it into a very diluted milk of nuts also seems to go down well. 

We are researching the subject of food combination very thoroughly and that is the reason that the book on doshas has been held up - the two must go together. We hope to have something for you soon.


In this column we hope to bring you healthful recipes and cooking tips. The traditional Indian way of cooking (NOT North-Indian cooking which has been greatly influenced by migrant populations and colonisers) was an art based on science experienced in the laboratory of the human body and mind over thousands of years. The use of selected spices is very important. Besides flavouring the food subtly they act on the digestive tract causing "unknown" forces of digestion to be released. These cannot be understood or "known" by our 5 senses of perception even under the microscope but are very apparent to anyone who wishes to experience them.

We have had a very good response from healers to the recipes in the book. We hope this one will also be useful.

We give you here a simple way of making "daal" or lentils which when combined with rice at lunch (basically before sunset) will not prove to be a wrong combination. When combined with chapatti, especially at night, Vata personalities or people with Vata disorders or those with digestive complaints may find it difficult to digest.


  • 1 cup daal washed thoroughly

(Daals to be used - either (a) split and washed mung, or (b) yellow lentils called arhar or thoor daal. this latter is the same as used for making South Indian sambhar.)

  • 3 cups of water for boiling the daal
  • salt to taste
  • Small piece ginger finely chopped
  • green chillies to taste (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder (haldi)
  • dash of pepper (this must be used if chillies are not being used)
  • small bunch of coriander leaves finely chopped (when in season)
  • few curry patta (also known as sweet neem leaves in some parts of India)
  • Juice of tamarind (lemon sized ball, washed, boiled for 5 minutes, strained)
  • 2 tablespoons pure ghee (made from milk whose source is impeccable) or unrefined sesame oil (gingelly or til oil)
  • 1/2 tsp cummin seeds (jeera)
  • 1/2 tsp fenugreek seeds (methi)
  • 1 good pinch asafoetida (hing)

 Method of cooking:

Boil daal with ginger, pepper or chillies until really soft (mung does not need a pressure cooker but arhar might need it if you are in a hurry - please do not use aluminium utensils). Add juice of tamarind and salt and more water to attain desired consistency. The more diluted it is, the more easily it is digested. With chapatti you will need it to be thick, with rice it can be rather thin.

Boil for further 5 minutes. Switch off the heat.

Heat oil or ghee in a small wok or karhai, add cummin seeds, wait 5 seconds and add fenugreek seeds, wait 10 seconds, add asafoetida and curry leaves. Quickly pour on the ready daal. Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve warm with parboiled rice or chapattis and a vegetable or salad.

Under no circumstances cook with tomatoes. Cooked tomatoes cause acidity. Uncooked ripe tomatoes may be used as salad.

Eat only about half stomach full for good health!

Piece by P.E.A.C.E.

(Protection of the Environment and All Creatures on Earth)

Compassionate Choices …...Peaceful Results

Dear Peacemakers, Sai Ram!

Mercy is a beautiful black and white female dog we have known for the past 3 years that we have been here. She has had 6 litters of puppies. She has always chosen her shelter in the deep recesses of a construction site and her pups have kept us on tenterhooks by constantly getting into tangles with wires and rods. Not one of Mercy's pups from her first 5 litters survived - she watched each of them go - either knocked down by trucks, or poisoned or taken away to the pound. But Mercy has somehow lived through it all. Last February ('96) she got herself a new partner - a jet black stray we had named Arjun. We had not the slightest inkling that Mercy was going to have babies again - she seemed quite normal. We were in for a surprise.

We mustn't forget to mention mercy's queenly airs. She has never allowed us to touch her till date. She's been nicknamed "Duchess" for her royal carriage and awesome grace!

One day in March, in the wee hours of the morning we heard piteous wails of a dog evidently in great pain. It was 1:00 a.m. Unable to ignore the desperate please for help, we took our flashlights and searched possible hidey holes. A watchman on duty said he had seen two black dogs pass by - one was limping and wailing and the other was nudging it on. MERCY AND ARJUN! We followed his directions - even got into the car and drove around the complex - but we just could not locate the source of the wailing.

We went back home - spent and dejected. At 6:00 in the morning we tried again - at the entrance of the half constructed underground parking lot stood Arjun. He whined and pawed as if to say "what took you so long?". He took us to Mercy - she was badly injured. Her back leg was broken in two with the broken end hanging loose. Her spine and tail were badly injured too. conditioned common sense said Mercy must be taken to the hospital. We tried - she wouldn't budge - Arjun too seemed to be telling us not to take her.

At that moment a worker came along with 6 puppies and declared that these were Mercy's new litter - less than 1 day old. That clinched it! Mercy would have to stay with her puppies. We made a cozy spot for her in a corner of the parking lot. She dragged herself to it and settled down with her babies. Twice a day we brought her food and water (containing the relevant Sanjeevinis). Faithful Arjun stayed by her side constantly.

A week later - only a week later - Mercy was jumping over 5 feet wide ditches with all the grace, strength and poise of before. Arjun has not left her since na done golden puppy from that litter even now goes with her everywhere. All the others have been adopted. Arjun was profuse in his thanks - Mercy hasn't even acknowledged our existence. Yet, there she is with no hint of disability and a Duchess through and through - that's joy enough for all of us!!

Let's introduce you to another family of strays - MESSIAH - a male brown and white mongrel (his great great grandfather must have been a collie); Daya (probably a distant cousin of Mercy); and Joy and Sophie their two puppies.

In May we decided to leave Joy and Sophie at an animal shelter for adoption. They love chasing cars and we did not want them to be run over. By the time we reached the shelter, both the puppies were foaming at the mouth. The vet's diagnosis was that they had been poisoned. We brought them back and left them with Daya - we felt she would be best able to take care of them. We put them on a Sanjeevini broadcast for Poisoning and 2 days later they were bounding around in their crazy way.

We also have a deep conviction that nature provides all the cures that her creatures need. We found that Joy and Sophie at about a kilo of clay each on returning from the shelter. Joy vomited it out and Sophie passed it out with her motions. Did the Calcium and other minerals in the clay help to antidote the poisoning? Possibly!

In early June Daya had developed some patches of mange on her back and Joy seemed to be following suit. Before we left for Puttaparthi in June, we put the family on a Sanjeevini broadcast for Mange. When we returned they were clear of all mange and continue to be so.

The Sanjeevinis are perfect for animals. already in tune with nature, the animals seem to receive the healing without any blocks and show miraculous results especially on broadcasts.

Mange in stray dogs is a big problem in India as you must have noticed. We believe lack of water is a cause. Dogs don't get enough water to drink, which causes their kidneys to become over burdened, which leaves the blood of the animal so toxic that the parasites find it hospitable. Do them a favour - put out a bowl of water for them to drink.

Working with nature awakens a feeling of oneness - the joy of being part of one big family of nature - Vasudhaiva Kutumbha - with the sky as our father and the earth as mother. We humans have moved away from this family; we've lost our healing abilities, our sense of intuition and above all we have lost respect for life.

Let us not get caught up in mundane mini-worlds of ours. Let us not forget that we are part of a bigger, brighter plan for this Planet. Let's work towards it with a heart full of compassion. Remember Compassionate choices bring PEACEful results. 

Until next time - make the PEACE!

With prayers for peace from the Group for P.E.A.C.E.

Healing with Prayers                                                                                                …offered in loving surrender




Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Broadcast
for the Healing and Protection of all beings affected by the Forest Fires in Australia


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Warm greetings!

We can feel the pain and anguish of all our brothers and sisters affected by forest fires in Australia.  We can also feel the suffering of our animal friends in the affected regions.

Many of us are offering prayers regularly to the Lord for an end to the suffering of all our fellow beings.

We share below a simple way (only three steps) of transmitting our healing prayers by setting up a Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Broadcast for the healing and protection of all beings affected by the forest fires. No matter which part of the world we are living in we can do distance healing with Sanjeevini Broadcasts.

Step 1:

Download the Sanjeevini Healing Broadcast Page from the link below.

Keep this Broadcasting page in front of you on your Mobile, Laptop or Desktop. Or take a printout or photocopy of this Broadcasting page and keep it before you. Black & White copies are equally effective.

Step 2:

Pray from the depths of your heart for a minute or more for the wholistic well-being and protection of every one affected by the forest fires in Australia.

Which prayer to say for setting up the Broadcast?

Any prayer from any faith is equally powerful when it comes from a feeling of Oneness with all those going through suffering. The following prayer is given as a guideline

“O Lord, please heal and protect with Your healing love and grace all those affected by the forest fires in Australia. Please forgive us all for the wrongs that we have done knowingly or unknowingly, in this life or in past lives, which may have been the cause of this calamity and suffering for so many. Give us all the strength and wisdom to rebuild our lives on the strong foundations of Satya (Truth), Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non Violence) which will always keep us protected from any harm and ensure true lasting peace, harmony, joy and prosperity in our lives - individually and collectively.”

The Sai Sanjeevini healing broadcast with all the Sai Sanjeevini prayers on the Page and your own heartfelt fervent prayers is now on.

All those affected have now begun to receive the healing, protective and transformational vibrations of all the Sanjeevini Prayers on the Broadcasting Page and of your own prayers. Remember prayers travel instantly in the eternal spiritual dimension of Oneness which transcends time and space.

Step 3:

Refreshing the Healing Broadcast.

Once the Broadcast is set up, it stays on 24/7 until you express your intention to discontinue it. However, it is highly recommended that we refresh Sanjeevini healing Broadcasts to reaffirm and strengthen the purity of our healing prayers and intentions. This could be once a day or twice a day or thrice a week or once a week… depending on the severity of the situation and your inner guidance.Broadcasts are refreshed by bringing your awareness on the Sanjeevini Broadcasting Page and praying from the depths of your heart for a minute or so. It is not necessary to have the Broadcasting Page or Sheet in front of you for refreshing the Broadcast. You can visualize it mentally and say your heartfelt prayer with faith in your mind or aloud.

How long to keep the Broadcast? Until the conditions in the affected regions improve and life returns to normalcy for everyone. Please go by your inner guidance.


Benefits of Sai Sanjeevini Healing Broadcasting Seva

1.  All the intended beneficiaries of the healing broadcast definitely benefit holistically with our focused daily prayers along with the Sanjeevini prayers being broadcast continuously. Sanjeevini healing fragrances whether received through Broadcasts or directly in a medium like water, always enrich lives of affected people by helping open channels of self-healing, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-realisation within each one of them.

 2.   Our consciousness gets purified as we expand the circle of our compassionate love from our immediate family to our universal family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam). We are able to experience more deeply the precious infinite treasure of peace, love and bliss within ourselves in the spiritual realm of Oneness. We liberate ourselves from all suffering.

The world is a family

One is a relative, the other stranger,
say the small minded.
The entire world is my family,
feel and live the magnanimous. Be detached, be magnanimous,
lift up your mind, enjoy the fruit of freedom from suffering
through Spiritual Wisdom of Oneness

—Ancient Wisdom

3.   The subtle positive healing vibrations being radiated continuously purify the environment at the subtlest level which brings balance in the five elements and pacifies Mother Nature's wrath in the form of Calamities. It promotes peace and harmony at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels in all the worlds.             

Description of Sanjeevinis included in the Broadcasting Page:

DS 113 Shakti Sanjeevini is a prayer for awakening the inner Atmic strength which destroys all fears and negative emotions that might arise in challenging situations. It provides the courage and confidence to rebuild our lives.

DS 114 Shanthi Sanjeevini is for harmony and tranquillity in Mother Nature, for peace within and without for every one affected and for eternal supreme peace for the souls of all those who have passed away in the tragic calamity.

 DS 115 Shock Sanjeevini is to neutralize all the damaging effects of the sudden Shock of the Calamity on the body, mind, emotions and spirit. The adverse effects of shock can linger on in people for a long time and can become the root cause of chronic ailments.

DS 216 Faith Sanjeevini prayer is to strengthen our faith in God and His divine plan for each one of us. Faith in our God gifted inner strength to meet every challenge with confidence, optimism and equanimity. Faith in its subtlest spiritual level signifies surrender to Divine will.

DS 48 Emergencies Sanjeevini includes the prayers for urgently re-establishing harmony and peace in all the five elements to subdue and quieten mother nature's fury in the form of floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, Tsunamis, forest fires. It also has the fervent prayers for an urgent healing help for all those affected in any way..

 DS 169 Forgiveness Sanjeevini Forgiving others and seeking forgiveness are two very important requirements for self-healing and for creating an environment which nourishes wholistic healing and protection from within and without. This Sanjeevini prayer gives us the wisdom and strength to forgive and seek forgiveness.

When we refuse to forgive others unconditionally we allow the negative emotions of resentment, bitterness, hatred to fester in our mind which becomes the root cause of several chronic ailments including tumours and cancers.

Seeking forgiveness from others and from God on behalf of one's self, one's family, one's village, the whole country, the whole of humanity - for the wrongs any one may have committed knowingly or unknowingly, individually or collectively, because of which this devastating Calamity has struck the region. Seeking forgiveness from the depths of our heart is a simple but highly effective practice to clear our individual and collective Karmic debts.

DS 202 Compassion Sanjeevini  is a prayer for awakening this powerful virtue in us.  It helps us to realize our deep bond with every being in the spiritual realm of Oneness.  With the virtue of Compassion awakened, loving all, serving all; helping ever, hurting never comes to us effortlessly, naturally and spontaneously.

DS 91 Pain Sanjeevini  is a prayer for removing all pain at the physical, mental and emotional levels. Use it for headaches, back pains, abdominal pains or any other pain in any part of the body.  Every Sanjeevini prayer has the healing vibrations to heal the root causes and the symptoms.

DS 71 Injury Sanjeevini is for healing of all injuries at the physical, mental and emotional levels.

DS 68 Infection Sanjeevini  For healing all infections. As a preventive it will build our immunity against all infections.

 DS 50 Fevers & Flu (all) Sanjeevini  To be used for healing root causes and symptoms of all fevers and flus. This Sanjeevini also acts as a good subtle preventive remedy during epidemics of different kinds of fevers and flus.

DS 263 Yearning for Selfless Service Sanjeevini  is to awaken this precious virtue. Those who get immersed in Seva (Selfless Service) during calamities develop immense inner Strength & Peace. Many divine blessings come their way. Even those who are seriously injured can do seva by praying several times every day from the depths of their heart, for the holistic well-being of others.

BPS 54 Whole Body Sanjeevini is for healing of the whole body which is often affected in calamities. This Sanjeevini prayer also seeks forgiveness for any Karmic debts that are due individually or collectively.

BPS 14 Eye Sanjeevini To rejuvenate and protect the eyes and to heal all eye related problems like Conjunctivitis, Vision, Glaucoma, Styes, Squint Eye, Tearing Eyes, Dry Eyes…

BPS 36 Nervous System Sanjeevini To rejuvenate the Nervous system and to heal and prevent all nervous system related disorders like Paralysis, Parkinson, Alzheimer's, Stroke…

 BPS 41 Respiratory Tract Sanjeevini  To rejuvenate the respiratory tract for prevention and healing of every respiratory tract related problems like Cold, Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis…


Important Note:

Please go through the website to understand how we can serve our families, friends, neighbours, colleagues at work, our communities and the whole world through the Sai Sanjeevini healing system.


Divine Inspirations

“From the narrow vision of the individual need, one must voyage out into the broad vision of the Universal. When a drop of water falls into the ocean, it loses its narrow individualities, its name and form and assumes the form, name and taste of the ocean itself. If it seeks to live separately as a drop, it will soon evaporate and be reduced to non-existence. Each one must become aware that he/she is part of the One Truth that encompasses everything in the Universe. Make the heart big and the mind pure, only then can peace and prosperity be established on earth.”

- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

“Calamities must deepen your courage, enlarge your faith; your spiritual practice must be intensified just when the weather is inclement. In fair weather, a care-free attitude is pardonable, but, in foul weather, every precaution is of value.”

- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba


"Love God. Have faith in God. Surrender unto Him. Dedicate your whole life to God and perform all actions as an offering unto Him, Let all your actions help others. Help ever, hurt never. You may think that you may not bother  when others are undergoing suffering. Who knows what is in store for you the next moment? If you wish to be always happy, pray for the welfare of others."

- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Samasta Loka Sukhino Bhavantu
Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

May all beings in all the Realms be always happy and free from all suffering
Om Peace, Peace, Peace!


 Healing with prayers loving surrender


Three ways of using Sanjeevini Healing Prayers

for Healing and Protection from Corona Virus

 Part 2

19 March, 2020 


Please click HERE for reading  Part 1 this Post  sent in the Newsletter on March 19, 2020

or go to the link below to read Part 1 on this website:


Following are the three ways for using the Sai sanjeevini Healing Prayers for Healing and Protection from Corona Virus.

1.  Using the A4 size Sai Sanjeevini Combination Sheet with Instructions for Preparing Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers remedy in water for Protection from Corona Virus Infection

2.  Using the Pocket-size Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Combination Cards with Instructions for Preparing your Remedy in water for Protection from Corona Virus Infection.

3.  Using the Pocket-size Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Combination Cards for Distance Healing by Broadcasting Sanjeevini Healing Prayers for Healing of and  Protection from Corona Virus Infection


1.  Using A4 size Sanjeevini Combination Sheet with instructions for Preparing a Healing Prayers Remedy in water:

Please click HERE to download Page 1 and click HERE to download Page 2 of the detailed two Page document with all the 18 Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Cards and the step by step instructions on how to prepare the Sai Sanjeevini Remedy for Healing and Protection, in water or any other medium of your choice like Homeo globules or Vibhuti.

Step 1 : Take a printout of Page 1 and Page 2 on one A4 Sheet (front and back) and laminate the sheet  or keep it in a plastic sleeve for protection from moisture, dust or crumpling. 

Step 2 : Using this A4 size Sanjeevini Combination Sheet, prepare your Sanjeevini remedy in water as per the instructions given on the Combination and start drinking the water charged with 18 relevant Sanjeevini prayers and your own heartfelt  prayers for protection from and healing of Corona Virus.

Step 3: Once the charged water is consumed fully during the day, you can charge more fresh water at any time of the day by repeating the process.

Step 4 : Whilst preparing the remedy be filled with a deep sense of gratitude to the Omnipotent God for the divine healing and protection that you, your family and all people in the whole world are being blessed with.

Step 5: Please feel free to share extra copies of the A4 Sanjeevini Combination Sheet with friends and relatives.

2.  Pocket-size Sanjeevini Combination Cards for Preparing the healing prayers Remedy in water for Protection from Corona Virus.

The pocket-size laminated Sanjeevini Combination Cards are very convenient for personal use. You can carry these in your wallet or handbag all the time.

These Cards are also very convenient for sharing in large numbers with neighbours, friends, relatives and underprivileged brethren living in our vicinity. There are people who are sharing these cards in hundreds at this critical time. This selfless service can help deepen our experience of Oneness with everyone. It can Awaken us spiritually to realize and experience our true immortal nature as Pure Infinite Consciousness which is the ocean of Supreme peace, love and bliss.

Please click HERE to download the Pocket-size Combination Cards Page  – four Cards on one A4 Page, and also four sets of  Instructions  on an A4 Page on how to prepare the remedy using the Combination Card 

The download is also available from the link below:


Follow the simple step by step  Instructions given below:

Step 1: Print the two downloaded pages on one A4 Sheet, one page behind the other.

Step 2: Laminate the A4 Sheet.

Step 3: Cut out the Four Pocket-size Sanjeevini Broadcasting Combination Cards with instructions on the reverse.

Step 4:  You can use the Pocket-size Sanjeevini Combination Cards to prepare your Sanjeevini remedy for healing and protection from Corona virus in exactly the same way as explained in Item No 1 above using the A4 size Combination Sheet. The instructions are also available on the reverse of the Pocket-card.

Step 5:  As you prepare your remedy, please remember to be in deep gratitude to the Lord for the precious blessings of healing and protection for you, your family and the whole world.

Step 6:  Please feel free to make extra copies of the laminated Pocket Cards for sharing with your neighbours, friends, relatives, underprivileged people living in your vicinity.


3.  Pocket-size Sanjeevini Combination Broadcasting Cards for Distance Healing of and Protection from Corona Virus Infection.

When a patient is not able to take the Sanjeevinis orally - for example when a person is unconscious, in a coma, in intensive care, or away in another city or country (the distance is immaterial), it is possible to broadcast the Sanjeevini healing and protective vibrations at a distance.

Distance healing by broadcasting or transmitting the Sanjeevinis is a dynamic way to heal and protect from harm. This way of healing is the "first choice" of many healers even in situations where the patient is able to take the Sanjeevinis orally. It is not necessary to opt for this method only in a situation when the patient cannot take the Sanjeevinis orally.  A broadcast can always be set up for every patient even if the patient is being given the remedies orally.

Broadcasting of Sanjeevinis is extremely useful during calamities like earthquakes, floods, forest fires, epidemics or pandemics where a large number of people are affected.

There are two ways of setting up a Sanjeevini healing Broadcast.

1.  Prepare a sample of the Sanjeevini healing remedy to be broadcast in Vibhuti or homeo globules and set up the Distance Healing Broadcast using the Multiplication & Broadcasting Card as explained in Sec 3.10.2 of A Healer's Guide or from the the link below

2. The second way of setting up Healing Broadcasts is to use a Sanjeevini Combination Sheet itself as the Broadcasting Station. E.g. the 18 Sanjeevini Healing prayers on the Pocket size Combination Card are the input sample remedy that is being Broadcast to the people mentioned in the Output circle.

Both the ways of transmitting Sanjeevini healing prayers vibrations listed above are equally effective.

The second way is being shared in this Post. It can be easily used to set up Distance healing broadcasts by everyone including people who are completely new to the healing system.

To broadcast the healing and protective energy of Sanjeevini prayers to an individual or a group of people, or an entire city, country, the whole world, please follow the instructions below:

You can  download the Pocket-size Combination Cards Page for Broadcasting and the Instructions Page for Broadcasting, from the Google drive link below:

Follow the step by step instruction given below to set up your healing broadcasts.

Step 1: Print/Photocopy the Instructions page on the reverse of the Broadcasting Cards Page.

Step 2: Laminate this page.

Step 3: Cut out four Pocket-size Broadcasting Cards. Each Card has the instructions on the reverse.

Step 4: 
Make extra copies for sharing with friends and relatives.


Setting up the Healing Broadcast for Protection from Corona Virus

The three Steps process for setting up Sanjeevini Healing Broadcasts for healing of and protection from Corona Virus Infection was shared in detail earlier on January 31, 2020

You can download the post by clicking HEREor by going to the link below:

The Three Step Process is also given in the instructions on the reverse of the Pocket-size Broadcasting Card

Once you set up the Broadcast for healing and protection, you can refresh the Broadcast any time by taking out the Broadcasting Card from your Pocket and praying from the depths of your heart for everyone’s well-being and protection.

This Broadcasting Card is an antidote to fear and anxiety.

Any time your mind dwells on fear and anxiety, keep the Pocket size Broadcasting Card in front of you and refresh the Healing broadcast with your prayers  for everyone's well being. This will help immediately transform fear and anxiety into a state of peace filled with deep love, faith and surrender.

Important Note of Caution

Please remember that the Sai Sanjeevini healing system is not a substitute for your professional medical doctor who is your best guide for diagnosis, advice and treatment of any of your health related problems. You must not discontinue any medication or treatment of your doctor. The Sanjeevini healing prayer remedies can always be broadcast or taken in a medium along with any other system of medicine you are following – Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic etc. Being extremely subtle healing vibrations of prayers for establishing wholistic balance in the body, mind and spirit, the Sanjeevini prayers will never interfere with the healing happening through any other system. The Sanjeevini healing prayers will always enhance the healing process of every other system. The Sanjeevinis act as a curative remedy when the disease has taken hold in the body or mind and act as a preventive remedy if taken by a healthy person. Everyone can take Sanjeevini healing prayer remedies without any hesitation or fear.


Answers to Commonly asked questions
on Sanjeevini Prayers Combination for Protection from Corona Virus

Q. I am living in a remote part of Ecuador where I do not have access to a Pinter or Photocopier. Do you think I can place my fingers or water on the Combination Card on my mobile phone screen?

Ans: Yes indeed. You can receive the healing vibrations by placing your fingers or the palm of your hand on the image on the screen. You can also charge your glass of water by placing it on the image of the Combination Card on your Mobile phone or Tablet.

Q.   I am completely new to the Sai Sanjeevini healing system. A friend of mine has shared with me your Posts on Corona Virus. I have also visited your website.  Do I need to study the Healing System as given on the website, before using the Combination Card for Protection from Corona virus?

Ans: No, you do not need to study the Healing System before using the Combination Cards. Just follow the simple instructions for preparing a remedy in water and consume the water charged with Sanjeevini prayers and your own fervent prayers,  during the day. Or follow the simple instructions for sending distance healing to every person in the whole world as given in the Instructions for Broadcasting. After studying the healing system, you will be doing the same thing. So, feel completely reassured and confident.

Q. Is it necessary to say the prayer that is given in the instructions? Can I say another prayer from my own faith that I am used to offering in my spiritual tradition?

Ans. Any prayer from any faith/spiritual tradition that comes from the depths of the heart is equally effective.  Whilst praying try and feel a deep sense of Oneness with the Omnipotent Divinity and a deep sense of Oneness with entire humanity. Pray with full faith and “in loving surrender to God” i.e in the spirit of “Thy will be done.”

Q. Can I also chant a Mantra during the process of charging the water?

Ans:  Chanting a Mantra, saying an affirmation or any other spiritual practice that helps the mind connect with God, Oneness, Supreme Consciousness, Supreme Silence within, during the process of preparing a remedy or during the process of setting up a distance healing broadcast is always helpful.

Q. What are the names of the 18 Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers on the Pocket-size Combination Card. The print is too small to read?

Ans: Please go through the link below to see the names of 6 Body Parts Sanjeevini Cards and 12 Diseases Sanjeevini Healing Cards.


Q . Can I make a Sanjeevini Healing prayers remedy by charging water on each of the 18 Cards individually instead of charging by placing the water container in the Output circle for one minute or more, as given in the instructions for preparing the remedy in water?

Ans: You can charge the water by placing the same glass of water on each of the Cards for 15 seconds or more. This will take more time.
Charging the water with the healing vibrations of all the 18 Sanjeevini Healing Prayers by placing the glass on the Output circle for one minute or more is equally effective.  

Q:  Do I need to take permission from people before sending distance healing to them with the Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Broadcast?

Ans: Not at all. We need no permission from anyone for praying for their holistic wellbeing. Remember the Sai Sanjeevini prayers are being offered with full faith and also in loving surrender to God in the spirit of Thy will be done


Sai Sanjeevini Healing Updates page on the website

Please visit the following page for all updates on Corona Virus

Free Download of the complete updated edition of A Healer’s Guide

With the Lord’s abundant grace the updated new edition of A Healer’s Guide with all the Sai Sanjeevini Healing Cards can be downloaded in pdf files. Please click on the link below for details.


Divine Inspirations

"Do not believe that you can by means of service reform or reshape the world. You may or may not; that does not matter. The real value of service, its most visible result, is that it reforms you, reshapes you. Do service as a spiritual discipline; then you will be humble and happy."
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba


"You have no reason to feel proud when you are able to help another, for your skill or wealth or strength or courage or official position that gave you the chance to serve was the gift of God, whether you recognize it or not. You are only offering this God's gift to another God's gift, namely the poor, the illiterate, the weak, the diseased, the grieving, the broken-hearted, who seek your help."
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba


Prayer for World Peace

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niraamayaah |
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

 Om, May All be Happy,
May All be Free from Illness.
May All See what is Auspicious,
 May no one Suffer.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.


Healing with prayers loving surrender


Three ways of using Sanjeevini Healing Prayers
for Protection from Corona Virus

Part 1

(Read this very Post in our Newsletter format Update of March 19, 2020 by clicking on the lnk below)


Dear Sisters and Brothers,


We hope and pray that all of you are in good holistic health, radiating your self-effulgent inner peace, harmony, compassionate love and serenity to everyone around you during this challenging time.

First of all, our sincere apologies for having sent the Sai Sanjeevini Update on Corona Virus in Italian language on March 16, 2020 to many of you who do not understand the language. 
Please feel free to share this Post with your friends by Email and on social media (Facebook, Twitter…). to remind every one of the power of sincere prayers for staying protected.

This is a time to be extremely alert and seriously follow all the precautions that WHO and Health Authorities in different Countries are recommending to stay protected, individually and collectively, from the Corona Virus Infection. We offer our profound gratitude to all the Doctors, Nurses, Healthcare support workers who are fearlessly and selflessly serving their communities to save lives of affected people in every country.

This is also an opportune time for all of us to intensify our spiritual practices of Prayers, Selfless service, Meditation, Chanting, Contemplating on who we truly are, for harnessing the power of the all-pervading Divinity within us to guide us, to heal us and to protect us all from any harm to our body, mind and emotions, individually and collectively.

It’s a very good time also for forgiving everyone unconditionally to become free from the poisons of resentment, jealousy and hatred in our minds. It’s the right time to clear our Karmic debts and entanglements by mentally seeking forgiveness from all people whom we may have hurt knowingly or unknowingly through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Forgiving and seeking forgiveness are very important spiritual practices for purification of the mind (chitta shudhi). A pure mind  ensures our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.

In this Sai Sanjeevini Update we are sharing three ways in which the Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers system can be used for protection from Corona Virus Infection. All the methods can be used by people who are completely new to the Sai Sanjeevini healing system. 

1. Preparing a Sanjeevini Prayers remedy in water for protection from Corona virus infection using the A4 size two-page document which has detailed instructions along with the Sanjeevini Combination Sheet with 18 Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayer Cards – 6 Body Parts Sanjeevini Cards and 12 Disease Sanjeevini Cards.

2. Preparing a Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Remedy in water using a Pocket-size Sanjeevini Prayers Combination Card. There are 4 Pocket-size Cards available on one A4 Size sheet. The instructions for preparing the remedy are also available in brief in the same size as the pocket Card on a separate page. By printing the Instructions page on the reverse of the Cards page on a A4 sheet, and laminating the Sheet, you can cut out 4 laminated Pocket size Cards with instructions on the reverse.

3. Distance healing by Broadcasting Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers for healing of and protection from Corona Virus Infection, using a Pocket size Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Broadcasting Card, with instructions on the reverse.

Broadcasting  of Sanjeevinis for distance healing is a very powerful dynamic spiritual practice in which we can pray in a very focussed way for the wholistic wellbeing of our family, friends, relatives, neighbours, all people in our city, our country and our whole world family on planet earth.

Methods 1 and 2 listed above are identical. The only difference is that in Method 1 we are using a bigger Sanjeevini Combination Sheet (A4 size) for preparing our remedy in water whilst in Method 2 we are using the condensed Combination Sheet on a Pocket-size card for preparing the remedy. Both the methods are equally effective.

Please click HERE to go through details of each of the above three listed methods including downloading of the Combination Sheets or Pocket- size Cards with instructions.

Or click on the link below for all details

Sai Sanjeevini Seva during the Corona virus Pandemic

The Pocket-size Combination Cards are very convenient for sharing in large numbers with neighbours, friends, relatives and underprivileged brethren living in our vicinity. There are many people who are sharing these Cards on social media and also as laminated Cards in hundreds with friends, family, neighbours, at this critical time.

If “Prayers can move mountains” then our focussed heartfelt prayers can become a very powerful inner spiritual force to strengthen our inherent immunity, to expand our wisdom, and to help protect us all individually and collectively from all harm at the level of body, mind and emotions.

Sanjeevini Prayers Seva (selfless service) can help deepen our experience of Oneness with everyone. It can Awaken us spiritually to realize and experience our true immortal nature as Atman, Pure Infinite Consciousness which is the ocean of Supreme peace, love and bliss, which is unchanging and untouched by the mental domain of doubt, despair, despondency, fear and hatred.

Sai Sanjeevini healing prayers Seva thus has the potential to become a very profound and powerful spiritual practice for self-transformation and self-realization.
Important Note:
Please  follow the advice of your medical doctor who is your best guide for all your health related problems. The Sanjeevini healing prayers remedies should always be taken along with the medication prescribed by your Doctor. The subtle vibrations of Sanjeevini healing prayers and your own prayers will always help and support the healing process of all systems of medicine – Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda…

Answers to Commonly asked question:
 Please see the answers to common questions at the end of this Post.

with eternal love and gratitude,
In loving service,
Sai Sanjeevini Seva team

Answers to Commonly asked questions on Sanjeevini Prayers Combination for Protection from Corona Virus

Q. I am living in a remote part of Ecuador where I do not have access to a Printer or Photocopier. Do you think I can place my fingers or water on the Combination Card on my mobile phone screen?

Ans: Yes indeed. You can receive the healing vibrations by placing your fingers or the palm of your hand on the image on the screen. You can also charge your glass of water by placing it on the image of the Combination Card on your Mobile phone or Tablet.

Q. I am completely new to the Sai Sanjeevini healing system. A friend of mine has shared with me your Posts on Corona Virus. I have also visited your website. Do I need to study the Healing System as given on the website, before using the Combination Card for Protection from Corona virus?
Ans: No, you do not need to study the Healing System before using the Combination Cards. Just follow the simple instructions for preparing a remedy in water and consume the water charged with Sanjeevini prayers and your own fervent prayers, during the day. Or follow the simple instructions for sending distance healing to every person in the whole world as given in the Instructions for Broadcasting. After studying the healing system, you will be doing the same thing. So, feel completely reassured and confident. Ofcourse studying the Healing System will empower you to make your remedies for yourself and for others for all problems at the level of mind, body, emotions and soul. If you have the time right now, please do study the system. You are welcome to send us any doubts or queries that you may have.

Q. Is it necessary to say the prayer that is given in the instructions? Can I say another prayer from my own faith that I am used to offering in my spiritual tradition?
Ans: Any prayer from any faith/spiritual tradition that comes from the depths of the heart is equally effective. Whilst praying try and feel a deep sense of Oneness with the Omnipotent Divinity and a deep sense of Oneness with entire humanity. Pray with full faith and “in loving surrender to God” i.e in the spirit of “Thy will be done.”

Q. Can I also chant a Mantra during the process of charging the water?

Ans: Chanting a Mantra, saying an affirmation or any other spiritual practice that helps the mind connect with God, Oneness, Supreme Consciousness, Supreme Silence within, during the process of preparing a remedy or during the process of setting up a distance healing broadcast is always helpful.

Q. What are the names of the 18 Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers on the Pocket-size Combination Card. The print is too small to read?

Ans: Please go through the Combination Sheet in A4 size  by clicking HERE to see the names of 6 Body Parts Sanjeevini Cards and 12 Diseases Sanjeevini Healing Cards.
Q. Can I make a Sanjeevini Healing prayers remedy by charging water on each of the 18 Cards individually instead of charging by placing the water container in the Output circle for one minute or more, as given in the instructions for preparing the remedy in water?

Ans: You can charge the water by placing the same glass of water on each of the Cards for 15 seconds or more. This will take more time.
Charging the water with the healing vibrations of all the 18 Sanjeevini Healing Prayers by placing the glass on the Output circle for one minute or more is equally effective.

Q. Do I need to take permission from people before sending distance healing to them with the Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Broadcast?

Ans: Not at all. We need no permission from anyone for praying for their holistic wellbeing. Remember the Sai Sanjeevini prayers are being offered with full faith and also in loving surrender to God in the spirit of Thy will be done.

Sai Sanjeevini Healing Updates page on the website

Please visit the Updates page for all updates on Corona Virus by clicking HERE or on the link below:

Free Download of the complete updated edition of A Healer’s Guide

With the Lord’s abundant grace the updated new edition of A Healer’s Guide with all the Sai Sanjeevini Healing Cards can be downloaded in pdf files.
Please click HERE or go the  the link below for details.


Divine Inspiration

“Calamities must deepen your courage, enlarge your faith; your spiritual practice must be intensified just when the weather is inclement. In fair weather, a care-free attitude is pardonable, but, in foul weather, every precaution is of value.”
- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Prayer for world peace

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Niraamayaah |
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

Om, May All be Happy,
May All be Free from Illness.
May All See what is Auspicious,
May no one Suffer.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace
Healing with Prayers      …offered in loving surrender


Setting up the Sai Sanjeevini Healing Prayers Broadcasts
for Protection from and Healing of Corona Virus infection

January 31, 2020

 Dear Divine Atman


Whenever one hears of an epidemic or pandemic spreading at a rapid rate, there is naturally going to be a concern about the threat to oneself and to our near and dear ones.

Concern is good and essential. It ensures that we take all the precautions and remedies being recommended by Doctors and Health Authorities for protection from the epidemic.

But fear, anxiety, panic, must be consciously denied permission to dwell in our minds. These negative emotions weaken our immune system thereby making us vulnerable to catching the infection. A strong immune system is the most potent blessing for staying free from all infections.

One of the powerful ways of transcending anxiety, fear and panic is to engage ourselves in selfless loving service to those who have caught the infection or are extremely vulnerable as they are living in areas where the epidemic intensity is very high.

Sai Sanjeevini healing prayers Broadcast for healing and prevention of Corona Virus infection is a very simple yet very profound way of lovingly serving the people affected by or vulnerable to the Corona Virus infection.
No matter which part of the world we are living in, we can transmit our focused healing prayers through a Sanjeevini Broadcast.
If you are inspired to set up a Healing Prayers Broadcast for all those affected, please follow the Steps given below.

How to setup a Sai Sanjeevini healing Prayers Broadcast 

Step 1.
Download the two Sanjeevini Healing Broadcast Sheets given in the the link below.

One of the Broadcasting Sheets is for a Universal Healing Broadcast for all beings.

The second Broadcasting sheet is for a focussed healing Broadcast in which you can write in the Output Circle the name of your family members including your own name. You can set up multiple broadcasts covering relatives, friends, neighbours...

Who to address the Broadcast to:
In the Central Output circle of the downloaded Combination Sheet for a Universal Broadcast, you will notice that the Healing Broadcast is addressed to :

All beings affected by and vulnerable to the Corona Virus.

This is a universal Broadcast and will cover you, your family, your relatives and friends, everyone in your city, country and everyone in the whole world. This broadcast truly gives us the divine experience of expansion of our individual Consciousness to its infinitude as we feel Oneness with every being.

The second Broadcasting sheet in the same link can be used for setting up Sanjeevini healing Broadcasts that are focussed for individuals or groups of individuals in a school, a college, a hospital, a city, country. This group could be of a few people or tens of thousands of people or millions of people. The Lord can reach out to each one of them instantly.

A few examples of personalised Broadcasts are given below:
  • Healing and Protection of myself and all members of my family.
  • Healing and Protection of all my neighbours, friends and relatives.
  • Healing and Protection of everyone in my School, College, Office, city, country
  • Healing and Protection of my friend Mr ABC and all members of his family.
  • All people affected by and vulnerable to Corona Virus in the City of Wuhan in China or New York in USA or Bolzano in Italy...
  • All patients affected by or vulnerable to Corona Virus in Hospital XYZ in Wuhan, New York or Wuhan
  • All people affected by and vulnerable to Corona Virus in all countries in the Seven Continents - South America, North America, Africa, Antartica, Europe, Asia, and Australia 
We recommend that you set up one Universal broadcast that covers every one affected by the epidemic besides setting up more focused broadcasts addressed to individuals or families or specific groups as per your inner guidance.

Step 2:

Keep the Broadcasting Sheet, in front of you on your Mobile, Laptop or Desktop. Or take a printout or photocopy of the Broadcasting Sheet and keep it before you. Black & White copies are equally effective. For setting up focussed Broadcasts write in the Central Output circle on the Broadcast Sheet, the name of the person or the description of the group to whom the healing broadcast is being sent.

Pray from the depths of your heart for a minute or more for the wholistic well-being and protection of every one affected by the Corona Virus and for everyone who is vulnerable.

Which prayer to say for setting up the Broadcast?
Any prayer from any faith is equally powerful when it comes from a feeling of Oneness with all those going through suffering. The following prayer is given as a guideline.

“O Lord, please heal and protect with Your healing love and grace all people affected by and all people vulnerable to Corona Virus in all countries. Please forgive us all for the wrongs that we have done knowingly or unknowingly, in this life or in past lives, which may have been the cause of this epidemic. Please give us the wisdom and strength to have compassion for all beings and live in harmony with all beings including animals. With Your grace and blessings may we all rebuild our lives on the strong foundations of Satya (Truth), Dharma (Right Conduct), Shanthi (Peace), Prema (Love) and Ahimsa (Non Violence) which will always keep us protected from any harm and ensure true lasting peace, harmony, joy and prosperity in our lives - individually and collectively.”

The Sai Sanjeevini healing broadcast with all the Sai Sanjeevini healing prayers on the Broadcasting Sheet and your own heartfelt fervent prayers is now on.

All those affected and vulnerable have now begun to receive the healing, protective and transformational vibrations of all the Sai Sanjeevini Prayers on the Broadcasting Page and the healing vibrations of your own fervent prayers. Remember prayers travel instantly in the infinite spiritual dimension of Oneness which transcends time and space.

Step 3

Refreshing the Healing Broadcast.

Once the Sanjeevini healing Broadcast is set up, it stays on 24/7 until you express your intention to discontinue it. However, it is highly recommended that we refresh Sanjeevini healing Broadcasts periodically to reaffirm and strengthen the purity of our healing prayers and intentions. This could be once a day or twice a day or thrice a week or once a week… depending on the severity of the situation and your inner guidance.

Broadcasts are refreshed by bringing your awareness on the Sanjeevini Broadcasting Page and praying from the depths of your heart for a minute or more. It is not necessary to have the Broadcasting Page or Sheet in front of you for refreshing the Broadcast. You can visualize it mentally and say your heartfelt prayer with faith, in your mind or aloud.

How long to keep the Broadcast? Until there is no more threat from the Corona Virus and life returns to normalcy everywhere. Please go by your inner guidance.

Benefits of Sai Sanjeevini Healing Broadcasting Seva

1. All the intended beneficiaries (mentioned in the Output circle) of the healing broadcasts definitely benefit holistically with the Sanjeevini prayers and our focused fervent prayers being broadcast continuously. Sanjeevini healing prayers whether received through Broadcasts or directly in a medium like water, blank Homeo pills or Vibhuti, always enrich lives of affected people by helping open channels of self-healing, self-confidence, self-reliance and self-realisation within each one of them.

2. Our Consciousness gets purified as we expand the circle of our compassionate love from our immediate family to our universal family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam). We are able to experience more deeply the precious infinite treasure of peace, love and bliss within ourselves. We liberate ourselves from all suffering.

Important Note of Caution

Please remember that the Sai Sanjeevini healing system is not a substitute for your professional medical doctor who is your best guide for diagnosis, advice and treatment of any of your health related problems. You must not discontinue any medication or treatment of your doctor. The Sanjeevini healing prayer remedies can always be broadcast or taken in a medium along with any other system of medicine you are following – Allopathic, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic etc. Being extremely subtle healing vibrations of prayers for establishing wholistic balance in the body, mind and spirit, the Sanjeevini prayers will never interfere with the healing happening through any other system. The Sanjeevini healing prayers will always enhance the healing process of every other system. The Sanjeevinis act as a curative remedy when the disease has taken hold in the body or mind and act as a preventive remedy if taken by a healthy person. Everyone can take Sanjeevini healing prayer remedies without any hesitation or fear.

Free Download of the complete updated edition of A Healer’s Guide

With the Lord’s abundant grace the updated new edition of A Healer’s Guide with all the Sai Sanjeevini Healing Cards can be downloaded in pdf files. Please click on the link below for details.

Divine Inspirations
“From the narrow vision of the individual need, one must voyage out into the broad vision of the Universal. When a drop of water falls into the ocean, it loses its narrow individualities, its name and form and assumes the form, name and taste of the ocean itself. If it seeks to live separately as a drop, it will soon evaporate and be reduced to non-existence. Each one must become aware that he/she is part of the One Truth that encompasses everything in the Universe. Make the heart big and the mind pure, only then can peace and prosperity be established on earth.”

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Samasta Lokah Skhino Bhavantu
Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi!
May all beings in all the worlds be always happy and free from all suffering
Om Peace, Peace, Peace!

Healing with prayers loving surrender



Healing Prayers

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Thought For The Week


The Tongue is liable for four big errors:

"The tongue is liable for four big errors:
1. uttering falsehoods, 
2. scandalizing, 
3. finding fault with others, and 
4. excessive articulation.

These have to be avoided if there is to be peace
for the individual as well as for society. The bond of brotherhood will be tightened if people speak less and speak sweetly.That is why silence was prescribed as a vow for spiritual aspirants by the scriptures. You are all spiritual aspirants at various stages of the road, and so this discipline is valuable for you also.

Healers Experiences

“How can I express my joy of having come to know of your group and the seva you are rendering. I wanted to help people on similar lines but did not know how to go about it. I must share a recent joy, or call it a miracle, I chose to call it my Sai’s grace. I had an ulcer in my mouth which was not leaving me for months...

Healthy Diet, Healthy Lifestyles

There is much suffering in the world today. The "standard of living" is rising everywhere but the "standard of health" is perhaps at its lowest.... The poor suffer from diseases of "deprivation". The rich on the other hand suffer from diseases of "plenty" or "excess". These include diabetes, rheumatism and arthritis, high blood pressure, heart trouble,(cholestrol), kidney failure, asthma - the list is endless.

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